
GERBIL BABIES!!!!!?!!?!? urgent?

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im watching over my neighbours gerbils while they are away,and they have 8 cages. In one of the cages there are like 7 gerbils and when we were going to feed them, there were 4 babies in a corner. Should we leave them or take them out, will the other gerbils eat them? and we dont know which one is the mom either




  1. The gerbil cage with the babies:  

    Do not disturb the babies or stress the mother or she could eat her young.  You can tell which one is the mother by looking at their nipples.  The mothers will be larger but beware as if there are other females they could pregnant and also have large nipples.  If you can remove all other gerbils exept the mother and babies.  Try to s*x the gerbils and sort them into same s*x only cages.  

    The gerbil with no water need water.  Give him a bowl for now but a bottle is more sanitary.  They are very cheap to buy.  

    You neighbour is not taking proper care of their gerbils.

  2. this what always happens well the mom will have nipples so just leave it alone actially cuz there like hamsters

  3. dont do anything ring ur friend or somin just leave them dont tuchj them or the mother will kill them

  4. This happened to my friend.  leave them be. Moving them would be more dangerous.

  5. good news is that because the more gerbils in the cage they can help mom look after the pups,

    bad news is that because there is more gerbils other female could what the pups for themselves and take or the kill the pups

    that said it most likey that nothing will happen just call your friend tell him, about the pups, and tell him that he owns you the money for the water feeder and buy on, the bowl will get poo and pee in, but it will do before you get the water feed,

    the easy why to tell which is mom is look at them mom will nures then os went you see a gerbil sitting on  the pups which her head in the air that is mom!

    it best not to clean the cage unless the pups or 2 to 3 weeks old or you have have have to.

    O and there skin will change color to get ready for there hair

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