
GETING GREEn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering the best way and the easyest to help the inviorment like im not old enought to do anything big but some simple stuff besides recycling i do that




  1. -clean with vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice

    -use borax for your laundry

    -plant a tree

    -eliminate your use of plastic around food

    -get a stainless steel water bottle

    -plastic is bad

    -drink filtered water

    -walk, bike or bus

    -celebrate "Earth Day"

  2. RECYCLE! Buy organic (including food, clothes, and cleaning supplies) Walk or ride your bike when you can.(better for you and your earth) eat less red meat. Buy the energy saving light bulbs they look cool. Turn off the light when you leave a room. If it's sunny open the blinds! there's much more check out some websites just type in go green into a search engine.

  3. Conserve water!

    Like when you are taking a shower take a shorter shower. Brushing your teeth, make sure you turn off the water while brushing your teeth.Turn lights off when u arent in a room. Use those energy saving bulbs.

  4. Read this article from HGTV Green Home. It has lots of ideas to go green. Give that information  to your parents and anyone you know who owns a home.

  5. you could just try to use less electricity and plant some plants like beans and stuff to help get more air...

  6. Here are two organizations that can help you out!

    "Green Teens started our club out focusing on stopping the use of plastic bags in our area... in the past few months, the club has taken on some other projects as well..."

    "Teen Green is a group of students who envision and carry out projects to preserve the environment, with the help of Uncommon Good's infrastructure and supervision...."

  7. There are many ways to go green. For my family, the more automated the greening of the home the better it works.  None of that "you forgot to turn off the light" we are always thinking about how we can do things better.

    Every day we have choices to make, try to make the greener choice.  It may not bet the greenest choice but as you become more aware, the green choice will become your norm.

    Some simple things you could do are:

    Watch less TV

    Play less Video games

    Walk, bike or car pool with friends

    Use a laptop computer instead of a desk top

    plant a garden

    and do not forget to turn off those lights.

    Hope this helps

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