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I have 2 pugs one is 3 yrs old and the other is about 5 months old and neither of them is house broken. And I do not have alot of money to be paying for pottyy training. Please help me i love them both like crazy, but if i do not get them both house broken soon the wont be able to stay inside much longer. SOmeone please help me. any suggestions in how to train them easily. than kyou




  1. First you need to invest in a crate. Doesn't have to be perminent but you will need one. I am not sure how well this will work for your older pug but it should work for the pup. When they come out of the crate they got outside. Only leave food down for a period long enough to be eaten, not snacked on. After eating they got outside. Dont feed or water you pup for 1 to 1 1/2 hours before bed. take them out just before laying down and then straight to the crate for bed. the crate should only be big enough for the dog to lay in and do a full circle. they will not pee or p**p where they sleep. dont allow the dog to wonder far from you until you are sure they understand that they only go to the potty outside. if an accident happens, lightly put their nose up to the piddle or poo and then they go outside with a firm correction.

  2. Okay well you could buy training pads.. I didnt though what I did was whenever my dog peed in the house I took him outside and cleaned up his p**p/pee and with vinager (so he can't smell it) and then put him in his crate for 5-10 mins. And now my dog just poops or pee's when ever we go for walks/ whenever i go outside or barks at the door. :) Also when dogs get older they wont have to go to the bathroom asmuch but for training. Read above :) Hope I helped

  3. They need to learn a routine and you must stick to it.  ( Please remember that the little dog will have to go more often than the bigger one because it has a smaller bladder)  When you decide to get up in the morning please make sure that it is the same time every day or as close to it as possible .Take them out and stay out until they do what they have to. Give praise for a job well done . They need to be fed twice a day . Once in the morning and before 6:PM in the evening .They can have no water after 8:PM and no food after 6:PM. In the begining, if you have time, it might be wise to take them out every hour to see if they have to go. (Usually they will need to go out every 2 to 3 hours once they are trained and they can be trained to wait for longer time periods. )  It may take a while at first but when they get in the habit, most likely they will wake you up in the morning.   During the day , if you must leave them, put them in a place that is sucure and easy to clean until they learn.  Piddle pads are great for when they must be left alone for a longer time than usual.  In the begining, I placed the pads all over the bathroom floor so they had no choice but to use them if they had to go.  As they get used to the pads , you can place one for each dog where you don't mind them going.  As soon as you get home take them outside to relieve themselves . Its also good to walk your dogs so they find some favorite places to go in the neighborhood.   They like to mark over where another dog has gone before .  They might go more than once while on a walk which is not unusual. I had 5 dogs and when you said "outside' you'd better be holding on to something because you 'd get knocked over in their rush to get outside.  I raised dogs for 15 years and once had 22 of them . Now I only have a service dog,  She is my life and we have traveled over 9000 miles together.  Good luck on your training.  Remember to praise them for the good they do and don't yell if them if they have an accident.  The most successful training is done in a positive mood.  If I find any other info on other sights like " The Dog Whisperer 'web site, I will pass it on to you if you like..or you can check it out yourself,    I also suggest you check in the local pet store because I know they will have house breaking ideas for you. MystycB

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