
GETTING OVER something means FORGETTING it or...?

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  1. It means accepting it happened and not letting it hurt you anymore. well not really forgetting more like not caring. like if your gf or bf broke up wit just dont think about it and slowly youll stop caring.   :)

  2. I think getting over something means solving it or letting go of something, not necessarily forgetting something.

  3. i think getting over something means being able to just let it go and move on without the baggage of whatever the problem was dragging you down....i dont think you ever forget things...even if the problem is sloved or moved passed....

  4. water under the bridge

  5. It means solving it or coming to peace with it and not having it constantly on your mind.

  6. you never forget something that you get over. but you learn to live with it.  solving is not necessary to the getting over it.

  7. it's kind of like putting it behind you and move on, not so much forgetting it or solving it.

  8. forgetting sounds the best out of the 2

  9. Getting over something means that whatever it was is no longer a source of negative emotions. forgetting about something, for good or temporarily is not getting over a think.

    Getting over means that person is still worrying. When we learn not to worry, getting over happens on its own.

  10. If "it" is forgettable, how much was there in the first place? I think the hardest yet most realistic concept, is finding a way to live with "it" even if it means living without.

  11. It depends what you are trying to get over. If it is a relationship then YES get over it if it is over. If it is something else.. Well, like I said it depends on the situation.

    ~Hope this helped!

  12. Getting over something does not necessarily mean forgetting: because some things are unsolvable. We should learn to accept the situation exactly as it is, the hard cold facts: Like in the old TV series Dragnet, the officer would say the facts ma'am only the facts. Sometimes our mind wants to believe a situation is better than really is, like wearing rose colored glasses, fantasy land, but once we take them off and accept reality, and learn we can do nothing about the situation, but pray about it and move on to those things we CAN change. We do not have to forget about them, but we also shouldn't obsess about them either, let goooooh and before you know it has change or gotten better any way, without your doing any thing, but allowing God to do what was needed in the first place.  You are probably in the way!

  13. Depends on the situation.

    Mainly it would probably be fogetting...

  14. You can't forget someone/something. Getting over it is not feeling the same way about it/him/her. You will know when you are.

  15. It can go both ways, it depends what sort of personality You have. Most cases, people think of "getting over" something or someone means to forget it and leave it alone.

    But I suppose ambitious people would rather solve the problem, or the issues between two people. That way they would feel accomplished and would feel more comfortable forgetting about the situation.

    In my case, I normally refer to "letting go" as forgetting the whole thing, or that person. It's sometimes easier to go this way. It's less likely to get complicated.

  16. Neither.  It means shutting up about it and not annoying people by constantly talking about it.

  17. solving it is the best

  18. Getting past the negative. Not forgetting it. It happened for a reason. To use in life or to use to help another person....

  19. Sometimes it simply means accepting it, my friend.

  20. Probably REsolving it would be more accurate.

    Most of the things that trigger emotional reactions are "variations on a theme" that repeat intense defining moments from the past.

    They will not stop repeating until the original incidents are reexamined and reframed in the light of reason, i.e. the child's misperception of being at fault is corrected.

    Reality mirrors the contents of consciousness in all its conflictedness.

  21. You can get over something and still remember it.  To get over something is to find closure and/or understanding.

  22. It's always better to learn from whatever it was rather than try and forget it. In hindsight you will be able to accept the negative aspects of the experience if you can associate it with the positive feeling of having benefited. i.e. "what doesn't kill me shall make me stronger".

  23. I agree with steenie, it is forgetting what is behind and looking forward to the future.

  24. unless you take a magic pill or blow to the head, you are not likely to 'forget" a bad experience.  to 'get over it' one must face it, look at it very closely,study it even.  then acknowlege it for what it is...s''''t.  see what it is, acknowlege what it is, then FLUSH IT .  if you keep it around and dwell on the st in your life it will stink up your whole world, if you try to bury it, it will rise to the surface and stink up your the answer is to flush, say goodbye to it and let it go.

  25. It means accepting it happened and not letting it affect you anymore. It has nothing to do with 'solving' or 'forgetting' (unless thats the only way to keep it from affecting you I guess....)

  26. I think getting over something is actually coming to terms with the situation or even possibly the truth of your inner being. Not so much solving it because there are many things that just do not have answers and we could go mad trying to find out the answers in the process. Acceptance is key here and so is healing if something caused you pain or disaapointment or anger in your life experiences.  You can never forget something because it becomes a part of who you are but you can learn to move forward once you accept what has happened no matter what it may be :)))

  27. I agree red

  28. absorbing it

  29. Forgetting is impossible. Forgiving is getting over, and getting on with your life.

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