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my parents wont let me my friends was support to do it but i forgot to tell her and now school is over she did hers and she stick a safety pin in her belly button since she didn't have a belly button ring how can i pierce my belly button by myself I'm not looking for answers like don't do it don't bother even answering it like that.




  1. dont do it by yourself!

    you can seriously hurt yourself!

    get it done at a piercing place, they'll probably ask for parental consent, so just forge a note from your parents saying they give you permission and fake their signature.

    itll cost money but its better than getting an infection!

  2. You are young & stupid, and your parents are absolutely correct in forbidding this ignorant behavior. If you don't do it right all you'll end up with is an infected navel, and if your parents make you remove the piercing ring you'll have scar tissue that will prevent any future attempts to successfully jab a piece of metal through there.

    Stop trying to prove you're an adult and finish growing up. Once you turn 18 you can move out on your own and make up your own rules about how you wish to damage your body, and by that time you may actually be mature enough to realise that piercing your navel is not the smartest thing to do.

  3. If you want serious infections and a lot of pain go ahead and do it.  If my daughter did that, she would not see her friends for a LONG time.

  4. my friend did that.... she just stick a safety pin in her belly button and left it there. We thought it was really kewl.... until she accidentally ripped it out. Then a few weeks later she started getting cramps and couldnt move because it hurt her side.... she eventually went to the doctor and found out the right side of her stomach has infected and had to have surgery to remove the infected tissue. There not sure if it was from the safety pin or from when it ripped out but it cost her parents heaps and could have killed her.

  5. you know the size difference between a safety pin and a real belly button ring??

    Your friend did not give herself a belly button piercing......she stuck a freaking safety pin through it....not cute.

    Go to a place and they will give you a hole lrage enough so you are able to wear cute rings...not an ugly dirty safety pin!! Ew, thats just tacky!

    How old are you?

  6. Go ahead. Get your skin infected and let it turn black. Get a life threatening  infection. Spend the rest of your life in a hospital bed or a grave. Not very pleasing.  

  7. safetyy pin that she stuck into her belly button? BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD!!!!!!!!!!Don'tt get belly buttons piercedd because No one can do it right. if you get your belly button piercedd you may get keyliods. Safty pins arent a curved needle so its very painful. But if your desparate and pierced yourself and get infected, have keyloids dont come crying to me. Think twice.

  8. She pierced her belly button with a safety pin?! No belly button ring is going to fit in that. Plus, you could get an infection. A girl I knew did it once and her skin get infected and turned black. It is so gross looking.

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