We are vegetarians and my son has been having HORRIBLE behavior issues that I have been able to curb almost completely through an elimination diet.
I have seen reactions to phenols (bananas, peanuts), yeasts (anything yeasty in the slightest), soy, corn, and all sugars.
The problem is, he is only 3 and I am having a very very hard time giving him any sort of variety of foods. Some days, all he eats is pancakes (Homemade with Sorghum flour) with sunflower seed butter because he won't eat any of the other foods I offer him.
It was hard enough getting him to eat varied foods before. Now I'm just going mad.
I can't seem to find any resources on GFCF and Vegetarian. It's always one or the other ... or there are GFCF which also happen to be vegetarian but use Soy or Corn (which he reacts to)!
Please help :)