
GH- Does Sonny know Olivia too?

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When Kate was remembering that "Olivia" broke a mirror. Sonny was asking Kate a million questions about Olivia. Wouldn't Sonny remember Olivia if he and Kate/Connie grew up in the same neigborhood?

Does anyone else have a feeling Sonny is arranging for Olivia to show up at the wedding?

Lastly, Sonny called this the same Lois that was married to Ned?




  1. It hasnt been revealed yet if he knows her, or if it is even someone from Bensonhurst, this story was supossed to be scraped bc it was one that the scab writers came up with during the strike and Guza wanted no part of it. Yes, it was Lois Cerullo that was married to Ned, she grew up with Sonny and Kate in Bensonhurst, that is why Lois first came to town, to see Sonny.

  2. Olivia was the same name Kate mentioned when she was shot and in the hospital (look ma, no scar!  lol)  I remember many fans were thinking she was a daughter of Kate's or something, and the truth never came out.  So now I'm curious about Olivia the cousin, and why Kate is acting weird about her.  And yeah, like you said, I would've thought Sonny would know more about Kate's (Connie's) family if they grew up together.  Guess like everything, all we can do is wait and see!

  3. Yeah, I feel like Sonny is arranging for her to cater the they were talking about the Solis-whatevers....

    And I think it is the same Lois that was married to NEd.

  4. I don't know how much Sonny knew about Olivia.Also,Sonny called Mrs Cirillo(? spelling ),which is Lois' mother.He was always close to her parents because he grew up in the same neighborhood and I think they kind of took care of him a lot when he was being abused by his step father.Yes,I think he is going to try to find her for the wedding .

  5. I think Sonny may be arranging for Olivia to come to the wedding. And Sonny wasn't talking to Lois, it was Lois's mother and yes, she was married to Ned. Lois and Sonny grew up together in Bensonhurst, Sonny was pratically a part of her family.

  6. I think Olivia and Kate's relationship was when they were younger so I don't think he would or should know Olivia.  The Sorello's that he called is Lois' family in bensonhurst.  It is the same Lois that was married to Ned.

  7. I dont think Sonny knows Olivia, I also read somewhere that it is Jax who outs Kate to the media. I believe that should happen this week.

    That is the same Lois that was married to Ned. Lois and SOnny are old friends that grew up together in Bensonhurst.

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