
GH: Is anyone else done? Spolier.......?

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After witnessing what I thought was a Jason/Liz reunion on Friday, I was distressed to learn that once again, he pushes her away for "her own good." I can't take it anymore. I will be taking a little breather from GH until I find out something either different or interesting is happening with those two and just about everyone else. Take care everyone!




  1. I agree with you,,,,,,I'm sick of all my soaps and feel the same way.

    I've watched Young & Restless since 1973> Bold & Beautiful 198? whenever it began and just started watching GH after a 30 year break ( was pissed at the Luke & Laura saga )

    Some days as I'm watching getting myself all worked uP after watching these soaps I ask myself WHY ?????? I've seriously considered putting these soaps on the Top-Shelf and finding something else to do with the 2.5 hours ( like cleaning more )  

  2. I'll be right on your heels.  I'm sick of GH.  Nothing's original anymore.

  3. well, Stewie....finally someone says exactly what I was thinking today while I was watching once again.......Liz throwing herself at Jason, and his inability to just "give in"..... how long has this been going on now?? Almost over a year ??!   I hear they might be getting closer to getting those two characters together, but never believe it until you see it. The story can change at any time.  And I don't think that the writers of GH have ever really accepted this couple as "real"........ Liz has been on the outside looking in at other relationships for quite awhile now and they could really match her with someone very unique if they wanted to.

    But I'm like gets old. It's okay for a little while, but they really extend it out way too long. Dont worry, take your breather... when you get back, not much will have changed really. Maybe a few new faces, but the main stories will still be around...and oh, we might even get to see Luke again?!

  4. It is very frustrating to watch these days, but I am hering that something will happen that makes him and her realize they are sfer with him than away from him. Also hearing of a November Sweeps story to involve them, keep your fingers crossed!

  5. They will keep doing it. They reuse storylines over and over. Sonny and Jax have fought over at least six women on this show in the past ten years.

  6. I was hoping things would change and that Jason wouldn't push Liz away, but I'll continue to watch since I'm enjoying Maxie & Spinelli

  7. Well, things just may change up this winter.  Maurice Benard's contract, Steve Burton's contract, and the actor who plays Rick's contract are all up for negotiation.  They may get better offers and away they go.  That would cause a major turnover in storylines, characters, etc.  Watch out for who stays and who goes.......

  8. I can understand why you're frustrated but don't give up.  It can only get so bad before things have to get better, right?  =)

  9. C'mon guys! what about spin and maxie!! Even if everything else sucked i would still watch for them! Don't deny the jackal!!

  10. I do wish they would allow them to find a way to be together.  But it really doesn't make sense for him to miss out on his sons youth only to put his son's mother in danger.  I realize she is a grown woman and capable of making her own decisions but it really wouldn't be too believable if they allowed them to be a couple when he is still surrounded by danger.  I am definitely rooting for them but the only way is for him to get out off the business he is in.

  11. i'm with everyone here. but, i am a sucker for the underdog getting the guy, so i'll stick it out to see if Nadine finally gets the handsome prince we all miss Nikolas being in love. did ya catch the scene where he actually went in for the kiss and poor nadine had to leave!!!adorable!!

  12. Yeah, I've given up on watching GH too. Elizabeth & Jason wouldn't be a good match either b/c she's not strong enough to deal with Jason's lifestyle. She's not the type to be down at the police station lying to give Jason an alibi (Carly) or run into warehouses, guns blazing beside Jason (Sam). Hopefully Brenda will come back, then I'll get back into watching GH.

  13. I know, why don't they just jump each others bones and get it over with! if she gets shot the next day at least she could say she went out with a BANG! The show is boring me.

  14. Yupp me too.  I wish they would just get together and stay that way.  I guess i would take a breather too because its getting old. The story lines suck and the couples do too.  Do another hostage thing or some fire that Jason saves Liz from! =P I think they should have a storm or something.  Its getting really old, really fast.

  15. me too, I can't take it anymore

  16. done with it.  old storylines being repeated, lousy writing and boring

  17. I agree, they have cried wolf on this one too many times....getting old...

  18. LOL@workinggirl15!  I'm not denying the Jakel..that's why I keep watching.  I was cheering friday when Jason and Liz kissed. To hear them breaking frustrating.  The summer storylines have been sooo boring. I thought Lulu killing Logan might have potential, but that's dragging, Robin and Patrick get on my nerves, nosey Nadine is annoying. Kate and her d**n wedding and magazine are nerve wracking. Karpov is creepy. GH needs to wrap all these storylines and move on.  

    Fire Guza...Hire Sri Lao the GH:Night Shift writer. Much better stories on that show.

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