
GH Opinion: As long as Steve Burton is on the show.....?

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Will Jason always be in the mob? If he decides to leave the show permanently, is that how they will kill him off? A mob hit? If you were one of the writer's how would you write off Jason Morgan's character?

Just curious about what people think. :)




  1. I am sure his character will always be involved in the mob since he doesn't have any memory of knowing how to do anything else.  I DO NOT want Jason killed off.  I like his character and I hope they can figure out a way for him and Liz to be together so they can raise their son as a family.

  2. I don't want him to ever leave.

  3. If I were one of the GH writers I would try my hardest to get Steve Burton to stay. He is one of the main reasons why General Hospital is so good.  But if he were to leave I would hope that Becky Herbst would leave too and have Jason and Liz get married, and then ride off into the sunset together with Jake and Cameron.

    OR I would have Jason die protecting Liz and then have Liz take over the mob vowing revenge on whoever killed Jason.

  4. I don't know if Jason will always be in the mob.  I always figured that as long as he's loyal to Sonny, he will stay.  But, now that they are becoming more and more estranged, maybe there will come a point when he will, finally, leave the mob.

    If they wrote Jason off the show, I don't think they would ever just kill him off, as he's a beloved character on the show.  I think they would always want to keep the door open for him to return someday.  I think they'd write him off as driving off into the sunset on his motorcycle or something.

  5. Probably but I would love to see him go back to his Quartermaine roots. He would probably be presumed dead in a mob hit but turn up 20 years later!

  6. yes, unless he has another accident and doesn't remember being in the mob, only remembers growing up as a Quartermaine

  7. I think he will but they need to go back to the old formula more drama less violence.  I don't think they would let Jason "die" The character is what they call a legacy Micheal...but let's say they did they couldn't let it be a mob hit the set Jason up to be this God for getting out of trouble...I would have him have to run to keep from going to jail or going to jail to protect someone...I don't think I can kill Jason but if i did it would be protecting Carly from something stupid like a car or some accident no mob related

  8. Yes Jason will always be in the mob. They will not kill him off, even though you are never really dead on a soap opera. They would just have him leave on another motorcycle trip, hopefully with Liz and the boys.

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