
GH: Where do you think the story will be when Luke reappears?

by Guest58364  |  earlier

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GH: Where do you think the story will be when Luke reappears?




  1. I think Luke  take over some major father duties, because I have thought Laura was always still in her  "disassociated state" .

    Lulu, has hallucinated exactly what she needed, her mother's guidance. even thought it all came from within her.  I am just glad to see Laura , she is such an icon to the show.

    Luke will appear at a point of great crisis,  just in time to go toe-to-toe with his arch rival, AND his daughter.  It is going to be GOOD !

  2. i think lulul will say she killed him to keep johnny from dieing.

  3. I would imagine Genie Francis will be gone by the time Anthony Geary comes back, which is a shame b/c we won't get any Luke/Laura scenes.  

    I think Lulu will still be in ShadyBrooke by the time Luke comes back and he will be the one to help Lulu confess the truth and face her demons and come to terms w/reality.  If she's still in Shady Brooke, I bet their scenes will be excellent, as I remember how good their scenes were when they had the abortion storyline and when Lulu found out about Luke raping Laura.  If Lulu's still "talking" to Laura, I think those scenes w/Luke would be extremely interesting, as he can be very compassionate and emotional at times, and it's always interesting to watch.

    I'm looking forward to his return.  I just wish he could have come back sooner.

  4. You would think Luke would pick up a newspaper every now and again! I would think in GH world this would be headline news..but anyway...

    My prediction: Lulu will be called to the stand. Tracey thinking Lulu is a little batty finally reaches Luke. Right before Lulu she takes the stand Lulu is being comforted by "Laura". Luke walks in and sees Lulu talking to an empty park bench. Luke starts to feel guilty because his daughter has gone bonkers. Lulu tries to tell Luke, Laura is really here. Luke gets a bit teary and leads Lulu to Laura's room where we see Laura in the rocking chair staring into space...

    If that doesn't happen..then I need to apply to be a GH writer!!

  5. Lulu will have recovered completely from her breakdown and Laura will be a distant memory.

  6. That story is SO Old It's not even funny anymore  

  7. Probably something with the current Lulu breakdown.  

  8. I don't think there'll be a story when Luke reappears; the Lulu stuff doesn't count, because A) I still don't buy that this sniveling brat is Luke and Laura's offspring and B) even if I did buy it, the writers don't seem to remember who is related to whom on their own show so I doubt we'd get a scene between them anyway.  They'll just throw him in some random scenes for laughs until his next vacation.  This awful show has reduced Luke effing Spencer to comic relief.

  9. I assume it will come to light that Lulu is the killer and then he will come home to see her and find her talking to her and Laura just sitting there!

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