
GIRLS ONLY! girls if we're in a NO RULES fight with a guy whats the best way 2 distract him then hurt him bad

by  |  earlier

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and what can we do to get him down on the ground? and when he is down on the ground, THEN what can we do to KEEP him down from ever getting back up?




  1. DAYUUMMM!!! sounds like somebody is really hatin them men!! what did he do??

    anyways i think u need some help. violence is not the answer. PEACE & LOVE baby not HATE....chillll.....

  2. trick u r twisted

  3. I actually laughed out loud when I read this. This right here, this is funny stuff!!

  4. Hm, why would you want to hurt him?  If you're just play fighting it's one thing.  Use what ever fetish he may have to your advantage.

  5. kick him in the nuts. if he has some/

  6. why so much hatred?  You need some help

  7. flash him and then kick him in the balls..if that doesn't work strike him in the throat and then give him a high knee to hte stomach and then trip him..get on top of him (straddle him) keep both knees on both his arms so he doesn't have hands to throw you off..and whatever you like...

    wait why? you don't plan on killing anyone are you? maybe i should erase this..seriously..why?

  8. that is terrible, you dont need to be in a no rules fight with a guy, watch some jet li movies...

  9. oooo sounds like fun! ok .. well... how else you can distract them? they are stupid and only think of one thing... if it's a guy friend... take him by surprise by turning your head the opposite direction and start complaining that  a girl is wearing something too showing "she must be a w***e" is something you can say. And when he looks attack with full force! (if your inside look twords the window if anything)

    And if it's your guy ...

    I got 3 for this one...

    Flash him a little peek at some part of skin, and then jump him!! .. (although he might jump you

    While wrestling around tell him you made a video of yourself naked and it's in the other room but you don't know if you did a good job at it... and that you’re thinking of deleting it. (Or just say anything shocking to him) watch him pauses for a sec.. that’s your chance!.

    and last but not least pretend you got badly hurt in the shuffle and when he stops to care for you ... attack!

  10. Point out a better looking guy, say you've slept with that guy, and tell him that guy has a bigger d!ck.

  11. poke the adams apple stepp hard on his foot and then head for the Balls. Then just leave him in his pain.

  12. go down on him and use too much teeth.

  13. umm wow

  14. you do know their weak spots right?

    kick them in their balls really hard that will make them go down and hurt bad, but i don't advise you to do that because you can steralize him then you would be responsible for not letting him

  15. Dang what kind of question is this!!!

  16. strip for him...he cant resist it.  then when hes too preoccuoied, take him down and make sure he wont be thinking anything else about u anymore

    (unless he's hott, then u might wanna do something else)

  17. to kick him   in   his p***s and his 2 bools

  18. im a guy  but i know the answer. kick him in da balls

  19. Don't try to distract him just go at him full force they don't expect can do the punch or kick to the balls and then an uppercut to the face as he bends over.  or   You can hit him in the throat...the adams apple and then stick your thumbs in his eyes.  or some how get behind him in and choke him by hooking your elbow around his throat and hang there he will go down well for guys bigger than you.

    I did use a distraction once because we were nose to nose he was big and I was standing on a chair and I said "dude you can't hit me I am a girl and he stopped and I broke his nose with one punch....

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