
GIRLS ONLY odor problems!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!?

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ok so i have a horrible odor from you know where.

other than washing well, how do i keep it from smelling!?

i know i know this is a gross question, but its important!!!




  1. do you have anyother problems.... itch, burn, discharge? if so you would need a dr. it could be an infection or maybe just the way your body cleans itself. i would use cotton underwear, change it daily, and make sure you dry yourself off after your shower. good luck.

  2. ewww. well try a dousche bag

  3. well we're really nt supose 2 use douche but sumtymes it mite work....dnt use any perfumed soaps or tamps....just use regular warm water an soap...i knw hw u feel i bn there...maybe a period is about 2 come....maybe havn unwrappd s*x wid a sweaty, dirty, unclean ,wudever partner or nt cleanin afterward......or u may have a yeast infection which walmart or anywhere has sum cream 4 it....hope i helpd...

  4. you may have an infection?

    if there are any other symptoms of strange things going on down there, look it up.

    other than that, there are a huge assortment of feminine cleansing products.

    you can always go to a store with self-checkouts if you are embarassed too

  5. You have to go see a gynaecologist. Thats the best and only way to sort this out.You cant speculate. And anyways chicks should be going anyways to them for regualr check ups.

  6. It could be an infection. I suggest seeing your doctor inorder to be sure.

  7. well they do sell a spray at walmart to keep you smelling fresh down there.maybe it is called femcare,but not positive if the name is right.

  8. go to doctor it may be an infection

  9. I have studied that certain part of the female anatomy, i take a different path in curing these ailments.

    First: Take some vinegar and mix it with honey that you can purchase at your local store.

    Then submerge a cotton ball in the mixture for about thirty seconds.

    Apply evenly around the whole surface of your v****a.

    After wiping with all around. Take sunflower seeds and frozen corn and purrea them into a fine paste.

    Apply thirty minutes after you put on the other mixture.

    this should do it.

  10. How long have you had it ? and my friend has the same thing what does it smell like ?  

  11. Try some summers eve and make sure you regularly keep it clean during the day esp. when sweating. You might have a infection so if it doesnt clear up i would get a pap just to make sure everythings okay down there! Best of luck

  12. ok u need a healthy diet.

    u should wear cotton underwear because it circulates air and doesn't steam that area up.

    do not overwash that area.

    do not spray any deoderants or perfumes anywhere near there.

    i don't know how to fix it, but if you make sure u eat a healthjy diet i think it will get better.

    do not eat alot of sugar mainly eat yogurt also drink cranberry juice.

    note: do NOT douche.

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