
GIRLS ONLY?! or not?

by  |  earlier

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don't you all think that it is unnecessary to have to write girls/women only, if its in the womans health section there should be only woman/girls reading and asking!




  1. there are some guys that can actually help though, like doctors.

    some girls just think saying 'no boys allowed reading this' will actually stop them.

  2. Not necessarily.

    It's just a section for women to post their health problems.

    It doesn't mean only women have to answer.

    Because a guy could have a sister or girlfriend with the same problem, and they're able to help.

    Some girls only want other girls to answer, so they state that.

  3. i know sometimes guys can be imature but othere can help guys deserve to know everything girls know i meen they problay know already its not like they dont know about periods  

  4. I think some males are very immature with their answers but I don't mind the mature ones reading what's going on with our bodies. They're curious just as we are about their bodies. I answer in the Womens Health as well as the Mens Health.

    It's not a big deal to me.

  5. fine! i wont try and help with your problems! -tear-

  6. If guys want to see what girls write, there are nothing to stop them except their own willpower. So is "Girls Only" necessary? "Girls Only" only arouses at least some guys' curiosity more and therefore making them more likely to see the contents! It's like some guys always want to peek into "Girls Only" room or something like that.  

  7. guys have every right to answer, wouldn't you want as many answers as possible anyway?

  8. Actually, I think you're wrong. Guys should know all about girls' problems just as girls should know all about guys' problems. I have learned a great deal in the women's section. That doesn't mean I'm a pervert. If I never had to deal with a woman, it wouldn't matter, but guys live with women and women live with men. It makes me mad sometimes when my guy friends are clueless about girl problems. And there are a lot of things I know that many girls don't, like the fact that you can swim if you wear a tampon, for instance.

    P.S. whether it's right or wrong, when girls say "GIRLS ONLY", that only makes guys want to read it even more!
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