
GIRLS ONLY!If you're not comfortable with puberty, don't look at this...don't answer... what's wrong with me?

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Ok I've been having my period and usually it only lasts 3 days but now it's almost 5 or 6 days, this month. What in the world is wrong with me?!?!?!?!?!?!




  1. Well,you are probably not regular. You won't be for at least a year or two. Normally,I am 3 days but sometimes I go for 8 and I have been having a period since I was 11 and I am 18. I would relax,but if it goes longer than 2 wks call your gyno.

  2. nothing. sometimes mine varys from  3-6 days. its natural, you dont always have to only have a 3 day .   ive had mine for 2 years and its stilll not on a date or whatever. sometimes i have it in the 1st of a month sometimes the 9th

  3. NOTHING is wrong with you that is 100 percent normal!!! periods usually don't regulate until your about 15 years old so it might not be regular yet...if your concerned you can talk to your doctor or mom about it too don't worry

  4. Did it start recently?  Sometimes it varies.  At first for me it took 3 days, but then it extended to about a week.

  5. periods can last from 3 to 7 days.  It is perfectly normal.  From preteens to young adults your period is still changing and hormones are balancing.  If you have your period longer than 11 days I would suggest seeing a doctor. For now, its normal, natural, nothing to be worried about.  

  6. Nothing at all, this is absolutely normal. Most women last close to a week. Your body is probably just getting use to this new change. If you need some reassurance, speak with a gynecologist.  

  7. hun that's suppose to happen it's normal my period last on average 5 days and i bet most the gurls who answer this will say the same so no worries

  8. Nothing is wrong with you, I usually have my period three days, but sometimes it will be six or seven, even eight! but hey, its normal.

    Maybe your just having a heavier flow than normal and its lasting longer.

    :) good luck.

  9. Nothing did you just start your period ? If it's within the 1st year of you begging your period it's pretty normal, your body it's adjusting to this that's all. My period it's different every time and that's normal for me

    sometimes it's 4 day or 6 it ok. They Say that period's can last up to 7 days heavy or not, every womans body it's different don't worry. Unless It's been more than a year since you first started your period, and you have always had 3 day periods, and all the sudden there this change of 5 to 6 day periods, go to your gyn and ask.

  10. Nothing sweetie - things change.  Your period will go through different phases as you get older.  Nothing to worry about.

  11. it could just be heavy bleeding.

    not a problem, you might be a little more hormonal right now.

    if it doesn't stop- i know it's scary- go see a doctor, and they can prescribe something to help you.

  12. if you're still within your first year or two, than it's normal.

    also, your periods supposed to last 5 ish days.

  13. You're fine chick honestly. Sometimes it just takes a little time to adjust. If you've been having periods for a while and they still haven't settled maybe speak to your parents about going on the pill. It really does help with regulating them =)

  14. nothing periods are usually 5 to 6 days long. but if u are that worried about it go to the gyno.

  15. It depends on how long you've had your period.

    You don't have a steady schedule until you've have it for 2 years.

    It's normal for it to fluctuate. Don't worry :)  

  16. even 7 days would still be are fine darling...get extra absorbancy tampons...try platex sport...they're comfortable.

  17. It is normal to go through a change of days but if you feel strongly about this and are genuinely worried, head for the doctor or gynecologist  

  18. Nothing is wrong with you. Your body is changing. It happens. Your cycle can switch days, it can last longer, get shorter, you can have cramps one month and nothing the next - Your body is adjusting to growth and hormones etc. Now if it gets to the point that it's heavy and is going more than 8- 9 days I'd say see a doctor. But truthfully it just sounds like you body is changing. From the age of 14 - 26 mine was 3 days - from 26 + it was 7 days, and now its back to 3 days! YIPPIE... Don't stress.

  19. welcome to wonderful womanhood, just agreeing with everyone else to let you know its perfectly normal.

  20. Sometimes periods are irregular. Everyone has different menstral cycles. Sometimes I don't even get mine [it skips a month], or sometimes it comes early/late. Mine usually lasts 5 days, while others lasts 2 or even 7 days. This is completely normal. If you notice something extremely different, like it doesn't come at all, check with your physician.

    Happy period =]

  21. It's fine, just relax, if it lasts for more than 8 days see a doctor, but if it's less than 7 days, YOUR FINE! i always skip months, and some are longer days than others. I never get my period in the summer, but i get it for 7 days when its september again, my advice is to just chill, relax , your fine.  

  22. nothing, some people's last up to 7 days sometimes more . if you haven't had your period for a really long time you're body probably just isn't regular yet .

  23. how old are you? have you started menstruating within the last year or two? its ok for your period to last a little longer as you get older. Mine used to be 3 days but as I became an adult they got a little longer. However if it's getting really heavy or painful you should see your doctor about it. Hormonal fluctuations and stress can affect your period too. I wouldn't worry too much right now. Just keep a little diary of when you get your periods and how long they last. if they are keeping an abnormal pattern for several months then see an OB/GYN

  24. ur body is adjusting. its normal and there is nothing wrong. ur body could just be storing more blood or u have more hormones.

    no worries..

  25. some people never have a regular period, like me before - but now im on birth controle so its normal..

    theres nothing wrong with you anyways , so dont worry :]

  26. If you are a very,very active person,your period won't last long. On the other hand,if you are more sedentary,your period will last longer. I guess you know that you can have s*x for the next week and not fear getting pregnant until that little egg has dropped down the hatch(fallopian tube).Just thought I would add that to those of you who don't know the female anatomy like they should.

  27. it's normal that it lasts between 3 to 7 days. mine lasts for a week, i guess it's adjustin' itself to last more than 3 days. don't worry, nothin' is wrong with u. now if it lasts for MORE than a week, then ur sick and need to see a doc. if u dun get it at all, ur prego. lol, just puttin' up theses deets for future reference.

  28. Your fine, I know how you feel I had mine for 5days then not for 2 months soo, I was scared. But then it came back. Don't worry, it's supposed to have it for a week out of every month, your just catching up to normal.

  29. nothing , some women have heavier and longer period than others.If you do not experience too much cramps and way too much blood flow then everything is fine. Sometimes stress causes period to last longer and to come out of date.  

  30. Nothing is wrong. Periods are irregular by nature. They normally last 4-6 days. I think your fine.  

  31. Most girls get their period for 5-7 days. 3 days sounds a bit odd. Your body probably wasn't in full puberty yet and is now.

    *Also most girls aren't aware of this but weather you use a pad or tampon effects the length of your period as well. Tampons cause a longer period  usually around the 7 day mark and using pads allows your period to flow normal and is over around the 5 day mark.

    Some periods can be a light and others can be heavy. The lightness or heaviness can also alter the length of your period but not always.(soaking threw 2 or more pads or tampons in less than a few hours can mean something is wrong, tell your parent(s) and/or  go see your Dr.)

    You are completely normal and nothing is wrong with you.

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