
GIRLS ONLYY!!!! thanks read on..?

by  |  earlier

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so i just turned 15 on august 6

and i started my period may of last now they're basically becoming regular

i am pretty skinny 5'2.5 and just about 93 lbs not underweight for my small frame...naturally skinny

my mom was really skinny and so was my i was wondering when will i fill out in my hips and stuff

and what changes should i expect in my body to happen this year (when i m 15)

thanks give me all that u know tahnks




  1. You're only 15 and you will continue to grow and develop until you're 18 to 20 years old. Plus, enjoy your small hips now because trust me, soon enough you're going to wake up one morning and you're hips are going to be all over the

  2. There's really no way for anyone to accurately answer this.  You might fill out within a few years, you might never.  Try not worrying about it.  If it's in your genes, then it'll happen.

  3. yea u might get himps later on

    xoxoxo STEPHANIE

  4. ask your mother. Mothers and daughters usually hit pubertiy & stuff around the same time.. although i'm not sure WHY you would want hips. if all else fails eat like a piglet. heeheeh

  5. your hips will get bigger within the year i would say. your chest may get bigger, and you will probably get taller. women grow until they are 25, so you have a lot of changes to come, but they could happen anywhere between now and 10 years from now.

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