
GIRLS OR WOMEN'S ONLY! PLEASEEE!!! Inside my Private part hurts a little?

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i just turned 13 a month ago

and it's been like 3days that it hurted. im a little worried bcause i think i am ganna get my period...

i dont have it yet though or thats the 1st sign?

i havent done any thing 4 it to hurt it just happend!




  1. you never know when you will get your period. and just because it hurts down there doesn't mean you are going to get it. before i got mine i had the same thing. but when i got my 1st, i didn't feel anything..

  2. go visit a doctor drink a lot of water

  3. Vaginal pain isn't a symptom of you getting your period.  You need to tell your parents and have them set up an appointment for you to be seen by a doctor.  Don't be ashamed or afraid, you need to get this taken care of.

  4. it could be the beginning of your period. possibly cramps?

    if the pain dosent go away after a few days and no sign of a period then tell your mom and go to the doctor.

  5. Dude, you're a pervert. Get a life.

  6. does it hurt like shooting pains? or does it feel weak, sore or "tired"

  7. could be a water infection or your period,either way if your worried talk to your doctor to be sure

    ps i'm a guy but you know how it is when some one says girls only i had to look:)

    hope your better soon :)

  8. Is this pain on the inside or outside? Usually cramps come with periods, your very lower abdomen or lower back will have cramps.

    Can't you speak to your mother about this? That might be the best advice :)

  9. Darling trust me here. Your going to get your period :) If it does come i warn you it can be heavy and hurt in your stomach and you private part :) its a syn to say I'm comeing. But congratulations your a young lady.

    Love mel

  10. Is it an extreme pain or more like a cramp after running? If its a cramp, you might be getting your first period. Some girls have bad cramps, some have spotting ( a little blood before the real flow) and some have no signs at all. If the pain gets worse or lasts longer than a week with no blood, tell your mother or doctor and get checked out. Good luck!

  11. Put some cream on your ow-ow area.

    If not ask your mother or docter.

  12. Leave it for a few days it will be ok. I started my period when i was 13 as well and was terrified.

    It really wasn't that big a deal. Worse thing are stomach cramps. And Yes it could be a sign you are going to start your period. So be prepared and take sanitary towels with you just in case. And DO NOT worry about it.

    if you have done nothing to make it hurt then it's most likely not serious. RELAX AND EAT SOME CHOCOLATE for me :D

  13. i'll be most glad to check on u

  14. It could be a number of things... Urinary Tract Infection, your first menstral cycle, just a cramp, kidney stone...

    Best suggestion, talk to your mom/parents about this... get to the doctor so it'll put your mind at ease.

    Best of Luck.

  15. You might be getting your period, do you see any discharge in your underwear, like yellow or white? That is the first sign of your period, but pain down there also indicates it. I would not worry, if the pain persists tell your mom/grandma/aunt...

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