
GIRLS: changing in the same room in gym locker room?! in middle school help!?

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we have to change in the same room as other people! how emmbarressing!! wht do i do




  1. No big deal, I've never had the courtesy of being able to change in a separate room. Be prepared, it's going to be crowded and awkward. Which is why you get a locker near friends, so you can chat with them through the awkwardness. I've gotten used to it, I'm going on 10th grade. It's not a big deal.

  2. Isnt there like a place where you shower? Go behind one of those shower stalls/walls and change there. No one cansee behind there.

  3. Well I had to change too starting in 7th grade and we didnt have lockers to hide behind. We just had this freakishly high shelf thats at like my eye level (im 5'3") So I would just turn towards the wall and change my shirt first. Luckily my shirt was really long and covered my butt when i changed so you couldnt see my underwear. Hopefully your shirt is long too lol.

    Just do it quickly to get it over with i guess.

  4. it's A ok. it's a little weird at first i know, but you'll definetly get used to it. it's just changing. you change, you're done!  

  5. I remember this. In high school you do the same. It's not bad since all of you are in the same boat.

    When it came to swimming I got in a corner and used my towel as a privacy curtain, then changed fast.

  6. It's really alkward at first, then it gets a lot better.

    Just make sure you wear like, a tank top under everything until it gets better for you.

    At my old school there was a shower room, and when we first started changing me and my friend would change in there, just the 2 of us, in our seperate corners. You could do something like that with a corner. After a while, you'll be fine, trust me =)

  7. I always turned towards my locker to change my shirt. I would wrap my towel around my waist and try to change my pants as discretly as possible. But, you are all girls, so it shouldn't be that bad.  

  8. If you are uncomfortable about being out in the open, just get a locker in the corner, and then just change really fast and nobody will even notice.  

  9. Your girls. Your all the same. You get changed as normal.

  10. Does the changing room have restroom stalls. I remember during my freshmen year I was afraid to change in the locker room, so my phys. ed teacher allowed me to change in the locker room stalls.  

  11. just go in the bathroom or shower stall. you'll get used to it.

  12. i use to get nervous about it before i went into middle school as well

    but basically.. it isn't really anything

    you'll get use to it after a while

    there is really nothing to be embarrassed of when you think about it  

  13. i remember when i was in middle school i was afraid too lol.

    but really its not that bad at all everyone is changing together.

    in my middle school they had these little booths with curtains that a few girls went in.and they also had bathrooms where people could change.but after a while you don't get nervous, really.  

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