Question: you like to have the control in ur relationship or not...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike you like to have the control in ur relationship or not...?




  1. I do like to have control but i'm not a dictator or anything. I let my boyfriend have control but it doesn't really matter to me. But i like to be controlled in a sexual situation. (not even just s*x, just kissing and stuff too)

  2. Yeah and unfortunately that's why my last relationship failed and now I'm miserable...;...

  3. Yeah. I must have access to his bank account, phone, email, house etc.  

  4. I don't. I always joke that "I wear the pants in this relationship". My bf can't read instructions at all so I am the handy man around the house. He just won't take control of a situation and is always asking me. I think sometimes a girl just needs a big strong man to make her feel safe and protected :)

  5. I am a strong woman because life has made me that way.  I don't want to control a man but I have little patience for bull$hit.

  6. a lil but i also like a guy who can take charge  

  7. It should be equal.

    That's hard.

    But sometimes I like it when the guy has a little bit more control so he can keep me safe.


  8. Yes, but not too much :) I want to be the girl in the relationship! Most relationships where the girl is more in control that I've watched haven't worked out.

    I like Sammi's answer :)

  9. i like to have both of the people in control in the relationship so it dosnt fail im actullya girl my name isnt rly mike

  10. im not a girl, but i think it should be mutual, which is often diffficult

  11. i like it to be equalized... kinda but i  like the guy to have a little more controll but tahts just me :]

  12. i agree with LR  

  13. no i do'nt, and a lot of girls i know don't either, i mean a little bit of control is good obviously. but i personally like a guy that's willing to make decisions and take charge

  14. i like equality.

  15. d**n right I do. Now go get me some ice cream!

  16. i like to be my man's queen,

    but i like to be his slave to :)


  17. um i always have the control in my relationships

  18. uhmm I'm not sure i don't like to wait for him but i don't like to let him wait for me either.. I guess sometimes is good sometimes is bad..  

  19. NOT...  

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