
GIRLS i need ure helpp :[[?

by Guest62389  |  earlier

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ok im so stupidd

i luved swiming so muchh and i still do but i just moved like 3 months ago and told everyone i swim on a swim team bak at homee (were i used t livee) and i REALLY want to startt

wat do i tell them if they see me

(its my dream to get at least one gold medal at the olympics :]])

but now the people that i told i swm are gonna see that i suckk at it and say i thought shes bean on a team bforee

wat do i do because i wanna startt :[[

thanx so much it means alot if u answerr :]




  1. instead you should start not on your school swim team but with the rec department or the YMCA. Fess up to your friends at ur new school and tell them that you are really sorry and were just trying to impress them. When you think you are better at swimming join the swim team at ur school. Hopefull it will all work out.

  2. First of all - you are not stupid. You wouldn't let someone else call you stupid, so don't allow yourself to either.

    Secondly, we have all, and I really mean ALL of us, have bragged about being good at something, that maybe we aren't really good at. However, if you're dream is to swim in the olympics, or to swim at all, then what you need to do is swim.

    People will judge us all our lives if we let them, but if you want to do something, then do it. If people make fun of you, or say "well she isn't as good as she said she was," then that is what they are going to say, and the only thing you can do about it is become determined to prove them wrong.

    I would try out for the swim team, if you don't make it this year, take some lessons elsewhere and try out again next year. Keep trying out until you get on the team, but regardless of what happens, swim! That is what your dream is and no one can take it away from you unless you let them.

  3. privatte lessons before sometimes fromer olimpians give lessons but i dont know if its anywhere near u

    regualr swim lessons and private lessons

    u might just have natural talent

    if u dont it might be harder

    keep trying

    good luck

    hope this helppped u!!!!

  4. get a personal trainer or coach

  5. practice hard at it and join a spelling help place too no offense. it is possible that you can achieve your goal. i want a medal too but i am no athlete! michael phelps rocks!

  6. take some lessons before you try out for a team

    good luck!

  7. Go trake lessons at the Y.M.C.A or a sports club

  8. well i think you know that is was wrong for you to lie in the first place. Lying is never the best solution. People will like you for who you are so just dont lie. Tell the people you lied to the truth. It may be hard to do. But it is way better than living a lie, and continuing to try to pull it off.

  9. Just practice.

    Swim lengths every day, practice racing family and friends back home.

    Time yourself to note improved progress.


    And for the future: DON'T LIE. Ever!

  10. Well, you could start by taking swimming lessons, and then later join the club, so they would only see you swimming fabulously, or you could just admit that you lied, but you really want to learn how to swim, and tell them your dream!! They are swimming people, and they should respect that you want to learn, after getting over the overall disbelief that you lied.

    Good luck!

  11. I don't get it...why not just join a swim team?

    If there are indoor swimming pools where you live, the usually have winter swim teams.

    And also, just cause you're on a swim team doesn't mean you're good, sometimes if your parents pay the money, they'll put you on the team no matter how bad you are.

    Hope I helped. (:

  12. no one will see you if you go to a private club maybe a little farther from where you live... wait until you get good enough to show them that you can live up to what you told them... if someone invites you to a pool party or somethin wear a bikini and say that ur afraid it will slip off or somethin like that. if u dont feel like lying to ppl dont care what they say about you and just do what you love to do... BUT if you want to be really good just practice year round like at an indoor pool with coaches and stuff like that.

    hope I helped  

  13. Practice Practice Practice

  14. did you give any information about the swim team?

    You can just say it was just for fun it weren't competitive or anything!

    If not why not go practicing a couple a nights a week it's great exercise too then you can join coz you will have improved!!

    Hope that helps!!

    Good Luck

  15. i would look up different swim moves and techniques on the computer(maybe someone has made video lessons) and practice them a lot

    if you still aren't that good by the time you join the team, then you can just say that you only swam with them for one season and your school wasn't really that serious about sports

    i hope that helps^^

    p.s you can always tell them that you lied-it might be difficult at first, but in the long run it will make your life alot easier instead of getting deeper into the lie to the rediculous point that you cant get out (i would get out of it while i still could)  and if they are good friends then they will get over it eventually and maybe even help you themselves

    if you want to be an olympian than you can base you swimming career on a lie!

  16. okay i see ur problem

    wat u need to do is just say ur not on a really big team just like a reserve team or say ur part of a really p**p team.

    it should work!!!!!!!!

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