
GIRLS on Xbox live, and PEOPLE. how good are they?

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I was just goin threw some of the questions on the great site of yahooanswers and there are alot of people who actually ask or sometimes even beg to get the gamertags of girls. WOW.

People on xbox always do this, example halo. if they see a girl playing and they never spoke or played with them, they will add them without even speaking.

I personally think girls arnt very good gamers, especially on HALO or COD 4. And I don't think they could ever be as good because they play for RECREATION.

Tell me your thoughts on this subject. I'll debate this more if something comes up.




  1. Well I happen to have played with a girl on Halo 3 who's just as good as me or any other guy since I'm pretty good, don't like to brag, but I'm a rank 43 with barely any experience so I ranked up fast, but I met her in a game it was me and her against a four man team and we rocked, I forgot if we won or not but it was close, so I added her. She's pretty sweet. I don't really know,

    Mostly I think it's because there aren't really many girls on XBOX Live so when you see one its rare and you want to add them since I barely ever hear or see any girls on Halo or Call Of Duty.

    EDIT- What you have to realize is PLENTY OF GUYS SUCK AT GAMING. I play a ton of people on Halo and COD4 and plenty of them suck. It's not about being a girl or boy it's just the fact that since there is such a small handful of girls gaming there's not a very big percentage to pick from.

    If nine of ten guy gamers suck, then out of 1,000,000 there would be like 100,000 who are good

    but if there are only 50,000 girls gamers then 45,000 suck which means there aren't a bunch to show that are good only 5,000. It's all about how many play the more there are the more the more the good can show good numbers.

  2. Well I do notice suprise when a female gamer enters a room.

    Its from decades of tradition. Guys have always been the gamers, and girls have always done other things.

    Now that games are becoming less gender restrictive, or becoming more appealing to both genders, you see a lot more females playing.

    If you think about it, its not some glorious event or anything. Rather normal. I grew up with a sister who loved video games.

    Its usually younger/immature players who make a big deal about it, whether negative or not.

    They haven't reached the point in their maturity when they realize girls can do anything guys can do, and vice versa.

    Or perhaps it is that they have not been exposed to girls very much in school or whatnot, as they haven't gotten to the point where they find girls attractive, and there is some negativity sprouting from that.

    As if the girls have "cooties" or something...

    As for your opinion of girls not being "very good gamers", that is just an ignorant generalization. You totally invalidate your debate with statements like that.

  3. Actually believe it or not, I play COD4 and im definatly not bad at the game. I met this one girl online and she could woop the whole teams ***. She was rocking up with scores like 24-6 on TDM all the time. She was crazy good man. NEVER underestimate someone who is a different to you. Don't worry, soon enough you'll meet a good girl gamer online and you'll be suprised of her skills.

    As for the other part of ppl adding girls just for the sake of it. I think its stupid.

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