
GIRLS:what do you prefer on a guy?

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a guy with gel or without gel on the hair?




  1. none.

  2. Umm whatever looks good and natural. So without gel OR very little. I absolutley HATE it when you can tell a guy's hair is all stiff, like if you touch it it doesn't move, ugh I hate that! Also when it looks all sticky and goopy, bugs me so much! So yeah I like more natural looking hair. But hey if it takes some gel to get there then go for it, just don't over do it.

  3. doesn't matter depends on what the guy looks like too

  4. if your using gel to make spikes in your hair ewwww. if your using it to make your hair look messy then its good.

  5. Without, I like when their hair looks natural.  

  6. It really depends on the hair style. Usually, with shorter hair, gel looks nice, unless their hair can sway or stick up naturally and look good. I don't really like it when people have short hair, but they let it stick flat to their head, looking like they didn't put any effort into it.

    With longer hair, I don't really like much gel in there. Yeah, you can use a little bit, but when it starts looking stringy, wet, and dirty, then you've used too much. Long hair and gel don't really mix, unless you're going for the wet look [which usually doesn't turn out very well unless you KNOW you can pull it off].

    Guys should just use a little bit; when it starts looking goopey, flakey, sticky, or extremely wet, it's disgusting.

  7. A LITTLE bit of gel on the hair is nice.  NOT as much hair as those Growing Up Gotti boys use, though.  

  8. Without.

  9. Depends if you can pull it off. But mostly yes. SPikes are hot(: do it.

  10. Just be yourself and do what you think is best for you. When you go out looking for a girl and find one she will tell you if she does or doesn't like it if you bring it into the conversation, but not to early get talking first.  If you like each other then do whatever!

  11. that highly depends on the girl's mood i guess :p  a guy with a well-kept hair (gel and all) looks responsible, smart and dependable. While those guys with spontaneous hairstyle look s**y and fun

  12. WITHOUT!

    haha, i can't stand gel. They always look greasy and dirty.


    If you learn how to mess up your hair with texter gel, sometimes it looks good if you do it right.

  13. WITHOUT GEL! for my opinion i like a guy that has no gel unless its aTINY bit and you use it only once in a while...

  14. I'd rather not get goo on my hands while messing up his doo!

  15. A guy without gel, coz gel makes a guy look cheap unless u put very little just to put hair in shape , its fine.

  16. Personally i don't like it when guys wear gel because it makes them look like they love themselves because they actually bothered to do their hair in the morning.

    So yeah I don't like it.

  17. A little bit but not much

  18. without, or with not too much.

  19. I prefer no gel.  I like to run my hands in a guy's hair, and gel makes my hands sticky.

  20. as long they got hair im quite fine

  21. honesty, i prefer guys to just be natural, don't put anything on ur hair

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