
GL insurance problem any advice?

by  |  earlier

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At the begin of my policy the info was input wrong

My premium was low I got audit and my amount owe is $14000

I signed and it my mistake for not having knowledge in this field or for trusting my the agent

Well I am trying to correct the mistake so I won’t pay. But my agent won’t help

Someone with Insurance knowledge gave me advice to request some items. I got the original policy I cant get the info the auditor sent the insurance co.

I have called the auditor he said they should give it to my agent. My agent tells me to call. But I do not have access they want the agent. How can I fight him sue him or what

The payment is due on the 16th with payments of 3000$ I have gone to his office and he has no info to help me with this problem he just tells me to pay if the numbers up front would have been correct I would have never got the policy. Can this be fraud in anyway they can input info incorrect dress it up and later come at you with high amounts. Also the total I gave the auditor do not match my payroll if I were to just pay for them like employees the amounts do not add. I also comment to him that the company did work outside of the policy. We did a job for a college (student housing government provides everything did not have to use or GL, AUTO Insurance. We got paid under my Co. to report it IRS. It’s in the payroll does it count. The agent tells me its still counts. To do work with any co

Like David Weekly, Trendmaker, Lennar we need additional insured and certificate. If they were cover they would of issued them a certificate. Should I call a lawyer in what field?




  1. Well, if there's any fraud, it's on YOUR part, not the agent's part.  

    "The company worked outside the policy".  That sounds like you were working under a wraparound policy - and it's up to YOU to do the accouting for that.  If you didn't maintain seperate payroll/receipts for that job, it's YOUR fault, not your agent's.

    A lawyer isn't going to help you.  The agent, well, that's a problem - you can tell him, hey, sit down with me and show me the numbers, in writing, so I don't have to file a complaint with the insurance department. The auditor is right, this is the AGENT'S job.  You can complain to the carrier, and to the TX Insurance Commissioner, about the agent not doing his job explaining the audit to you.

    But none of this is going to save you any money - these additional premiums are still due, with maybe the exception of the wraparound job.  But if you didn't keep seperate records, then that's still due, as well.  Think of it as a learning curve tax.

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