
GLOBAL WARMING , Buurrrrrrr!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Man it is cold this year hear in Vegas , 10 below the average for this town ....everyone has colds... I saw on tv that it was snowing in BAGDAD ... 1st time on record must be all the GLOBAL WARMING.....What Say You?




  1. Your right!!!!

    It amazes me that so many people still believe that we are the cause of the Earth's climate changing.

    (How arrogant of them).

    We are only in Global Warming during a natural Warming cycle, then we'll enter the Global Cooling during the next Cooling cycle etc...etc....

    The climate change is earths natural warming and cooling cycles. We came out of a cooling cycle a couple hundred years ago. We will be starting a cooling cycle sometime in the future. THESE CHANGES ARE NOT DRASTIC by the way.

    Economically we are wasting our resources trying to convince the world that a natural warming cycle is caused by man.

    Environmentalists generally only care about the environment for political gain and money.

    Anyone who really cares about the environment and nature are generally known as conservationists.

    In the mean time lets just accept that we need to conserve energy and protect the environment. Leave the rest to God.

  2. believe what you want but global warming is happening!!!! it might not affect us that much but it will affect our chilldren or our grandchildren!!!   now whos the gullable one? ) :

  3. Yeah, we catch the government in lies all the time, but they must be telling the truth about global warming.  What a joke, people are so gullible.

  4. The world is getting hotter....maybe it's just a coincidence that's it's cold in Vegas this year.

  5. Pssst!  Global warming causes global cooling, earfquakes, tsunamis, and 300pt drops on the DOW.  So there!!

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