
GLOBAL WARMING AND SEASONS! help please? thanks!?

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I am in eight grade and I am doing an essay on global warming in my english class.

I need to know how global warming effects seasons, and the relationship seasons have with animal life and vegetation.

I really need a detailed answer, that is also easy to understand! and what consequences it has on the seaons.

Thank you!! I will give best answer for the answer i like best!




  1. Here in Michigan, just a short geological time ago, 150k years ago.  There were 2 - 5 miles of ice carving out the great lakes.  This ice is all gone, even in summer.  If you want to know about global warming, here's the skinny on it.

    At one point in time the earth was too hot for life.

    At one point in time the earth was too cold for life.

    We are now a point where liquid water is on the earth, some where between 32* & 212*.

    Now on a planet that is 9(?) billion years old what is the norm ?

  2. We're in a natural warming cycle right now, but it might be ending soon. Also, there's been an average increase of 1 degree over the past 100 years, so the seasons haven't changed that much really.  Sometimes there are variations that make seasons last longer, but it all averages out the same.

    I find that nature adapts very well.  Sometimes were I live, the trees start to bloom and then we get another freeze, but it doesn't really have any lasting affect on animal life or vegetation.

    We have no affect on the climate and can't control it, so we all just learn to adapt.

  3. Well is depends on how deep you want to go.

    Global warming affects seasons in several ways. It makes summer longer and warmer. It causes winter to last shorter. Global Warming will cause it to rain in the winter more and be drier in the summer.

    I hope this helps!

  4. global warming cause by carbon dioxide known as CO2, which create a invisible wall that trap heat inside Earth's atmosphere which also understand as green house effect, creating water level to rise up, as heat increase more violet storm is form such as hurricane...

    Since Earth's atmosphere is trap with heat, the season will be off balance as well, summer will be hotter, with storm, natural disaster like flood, mud slid, wild fire and drought that would cause millions of death....

    and winter will be having more snow storm, hail, freezing weather that come with strong wind that would froze anything in it path; example are in mountain of Washington state, the weather is so violet that water viper would turn to ice the minute it touch an object.

    With global warming, the weather become violet and unpredictable; changing in a short amount of time that can cause millions of life

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