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The earth goes through these natural cycles of warming and cooling, its all natural, we proberly are speeding it up a bit

Why are the scientists making it seem like its all our fault!??!




  1. Global Climate Change does exist, climate shifts do occur naturally. The shift that is occurring now is based on the amounts of greenhouse gases that are present in the atmosphere, namely carbon dioxide and methane. The amount of these particulates currently in the atmosphere are higher than they should be if a normal climate shift is occurring. Scientists can determine the amount of particulates that were in the atmosphere in previous centuries by studying ice cores (similar to rings on a tree, an amount of the atmosphere particles are frozen into the ice cores and remain there). So by comparing ice core samples, scientists have determined that the climate (NOT THE TEMPERATURE) is changing at an accelerated rate, and has been mainly since the Industrial Revolution. So naturally, you would link the increased greenhouse gas output to industry. For further reading, I recommend Article     25 from the 07/08 Annual Editions:Environment: How Did Humans First Alter Global Climate?,William F. Ruddiman, (first appeared in Scientific American, March 2005) (And most of the other articles are good also, some boring, and some very technical)

    brief synopsis from

        "A controversial new interpretation of climate history suggests that our ancestors who first developed agriculture may have prevented a new ice age by engaging in land-use practices that led to global warming. If a handful of farmers with primitive technologies could alter global environments, what can modern fossil-fuel based technologies do?

    Despite what many people have said, if you just do some real journalistic, literary, and educational research, you can find the answer your looking for and make the decision for yourself. One good thing to look at are peer-reviewed articles or articles that have been published in Journals such as "Environment". These are completely science and fact based journals that only publish items that are proven through research and experiment.

    I've read a few things and I find that the articles I like most (while sometimes boring) are the ones that are totally factual.

    Many articles like this appear in the Annual Editions journal: Environment published by McGraw-Hill. The articles are chosen by a board that includes professors, scholars, and the like.

    I totally recommend that you do your own research, and don't buy into websites or the media. You have to go to the facts, and also consider who published what you read, AND who funded the publisher AND the research. Getting the facts is a tricky business, but it is well worth it.

  2. Dude it is OUR FAULT! Where have you been. Humans are the problem. Go Green Y'all!

  3. I think it IS natural. BUT it doesn't hurt to reduce, reuse and recycle. Look at the last ice age. No one knows for sure though. All theories....

  4. Because it IS our fault.

    Climate does have natural ups and downs, we've known that for decades. But we also know what causes natural climate change, and those causes can be ruled out as the cause of the current warmth. Let's take them one at a time.

    1. Ice ages (and inter-glacial periods) are triggered by small changes in Earth's orbit called "Milankovitch cycles" by astronomers, or "orbital forcing" by climatologists. Since Earth's orbit can be computed for thousands of years into the past and future, we know that orbital forcing peaked 6000 years ago, during the Holocene Maximum, and is slowly cooling the planet right now. Here's the science:

    The other major cause of natural climate change is the Sun. We have good evidence that the Sun has caused past episodes of climate change, such as the "Little Ice Age" of the 19th century. So, is the Sun causing the current warmth? No, it's not.

    2. If the Sun is causing the current warmth, then we're getting more energy, and the whole atmosphere should be getting warmer. If it's greenhouse, then we're getting the same amount of energy, but it's being distributed differently: more heat is trapped at the surface, and less heat is escaping to the stratosphere. So if it's the Sun, the stratosphere should be warming, but if it's greenhouse, the stratosphere should be cooling.

    In fact, the stratosphere has been on a long-term cooling trend ever since we've been keeping radiosonde balloon records in the 1950's. Here's the data:

    3. If it's the Sun, we're getting more energy during the day, and daytime temperatures should be rising fastest. But if it's greenhouse, we're losing less heat at night, and nighttime temperatures should be rising fastest. So if it's the sun, the difference between day and night temperatures should be increasing, but if it's greenhouse, the day-night difference should be decreasing.

    In fact, the daily temperature range has been decreasing throughout the 20th century. Here's the science:

    4. Total solar irradiance has been measured by satellite since 1978, and during that time it has shown the normal 11-year cycle, but no long-term trend. Here's the data:

    5. Scientists have looked closely at the solar hypothesis and have strongly refuted it. Here's the peer-reviewed science:

    So if it's not orbital forcing, like the ice ages, and it's not the Sun, what is causing the current warmth? It's people, burning fossil fuels, which puts more CO2 into the air.

    6. CO2 levels in the air were stable for 10,000 years prior to the industrial revolution, at about 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv). Since 1800, CO2 levels have risen 38%, to 385 ppmv, with no end in sight. Here's the modern data...

    ... and the ice core data ...

    ... and a graph showing how it fits together:

    7. We know that the excess CO2 in the air is caused by burning of fossil fuels, for two reasons. First, because the sharp rise in atmospheric CO2 started exactly when humans began burning coal in large quantities (see the graph linked above); and second, because when we do isotopic analysis of the CO2 we find increasing amounts of "old" carbon combined with "young" oxygen. Here are the peer-reviewed papers:

    So what's left to prove?

  5. Perhaps because they know a lot more about it than you, and believe that humans are the ones driving the warming that's happening now.

  6. Because many people are too stupid to see that we are a major part of speeding up a natural process.    Remember Bushes "either you're with us or against us speech?"    People feel the same way about climate change.   Either we are causing it all or causing none of it.    Since we know the earth naturally goes through changes (over long periods of time) they think we must have nothing to do with the problem.      Scientists are foced to say we are causing it to get those peoples attention.

  7. Yes is a natural process but the most industrialized countries in the world are making this process faster.

  8. Global Warming is REALLY caused by us. Just remember,

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us. The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Global warming could cause dreadful diseases like skin cancer, cataract and heatstroke. It could also weaken our immune system.

    Global Warming has been a known phenomenom for years, before Al Gore and his documentary made it so well-known.

    But who are you to say that all those scientists are wrong?

  9. b/c it is our fault. we are careless enough to pollute our environment. many things contribute to global warming and most of it comes from pollution, cutting down trees, carbon emissions, all man-made items/ideas.

  10. Scientists need money for their studies.  The easiest money made these days is by somebody adopting the name 'science' or 'environmentalist' and using it with their name.  Just as in real life, you don't know who the bad guys are until they act.  It's up to the good people to stop them.

    Scientists supporting global warming see money to be made, or they were hired by Al Gore or Greenpeace.  There is a lot of corruption in this AGW community.  Some people are extremely greedy, and scientist/political activist's to the left are no different.  Their think-tanks are busy on a daily basis trying to come up with new angles to scam people with.

  11. Some things i've thought of:

    -The earth was once a giant ice cube (the ice age), It is still melting.

    -Obviously whoever said Global Warming is real, never lived in Canada. We had Winter for an extra two months, and It's not like I'm talking about up north, I mean Toronto.

    -There has been no solid evidence of Global Warming, no matter what any of your friends say.

    Yeah, theres many more, but I think all the scientists that are being heard, are crazy. And the ones that aren't, aren't being heard. Someone needs to kill Al Gore.

  12. I have read that the interglacial warming period is over and we are in a cooling period, maybe the start of a new ice age.  Of course it is not a constant cooling, there are short warming periods (remember about 1000 years ago, the Vikings settled and farmed Greenland, named because it was full of green grass) in this long cool down phase.  But they say, since the industrial age began, the temperature has never (in one of the warming periods) risen so far and so fast.  

    So it may be natural plus we are speeding it up more than "a bit."

  13. You are correct.  We might be speeding it up, but it is a natural process.  It has happened many, many times, thu out the history of this earth.

  14. Because it is our fault, some people want to believe its "natural" so they don't feel guilty of polluting, trowing trash and stuff.

    I can't remember, but some CEO from a company said "If taking care of nature gets on the way of economy, then i will not take care of it "

  15. alright, heres the deal. check out my new question. if u do, i ll give ya the ten points.


         if it didnt, we wouldnt be here. Im tryin to start a group called FOR THE BETTER i would like you to be in it!  because you understand that things change on there own because if they didnt, nothing would exsist.


           if so, go to

  16. Scientist are human.  They need to  justify their pay checks.  World attention is a perk too

    Jeanna Bryner

    Senior Writer

    Fri Jun 27, 5:32 PM ET

    New evidence deep beneath the Arctic ice suggests a series of underwater volcanoes have erupted in violent explosions in the past decade.

  17. Yes the Earth has had these cycles before. It's more to do with the sun going through fluctuations than anything man has done. The big scare tacticians blame global warming on CO2 emiisions from man. We only contribute about 4.5% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. The trend that was going up on the progression bar does not follow the CO2 emissions bar.

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