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The other day I was having Pizza with a friend and they were like "throw the boxes out of the window" and I said no you are contributing to global warming and they said how and i was stumped..please help

how does littering contribute to global warming?




  1. You should recycle because this is an issue of preserving finite resources; not about global warming. However, your friends are mush brain zealots who no nothing about the subject matter of Global Warming. Global Warming is not taking place. Unequivocal scientific data with literally thousands and thousands of tests and data concludes that it will take over the next 50 years to determine whether or not global warming is in fact taking place at all.

  2. Not exactly. But, the Methane gas that is generated in and escapes from landfills is 26 times more harmful to the atmosphere (as it pertains to global warming) than Carbon Dioxide. Besides, your pals should feel ashamed of themselves for thinking it's ethically, morally, or socially acceptable to litter. Unless, somehow you need to to deal with an emergency of some sort.

  3. There are two things that can happen to that box if you dispose of it properly, and both are better than throwing it out the window.

    1. The box might be landfilled. In that case, the carbon in it would be sequestered for a long time, which is good.

    2. The box might be burned for energy in a garbage burner. In that case, the energy from the box (a renewable) replaces some energy that might have been burned by a coal-fired plant (fossil). So that's good too.

  4. Global Warming is not exactly tied to littering.  What they were doing was littering and making your place where you live more messy with uncontrolled trash.  Global Warming is not a man made problem but an nature cycle of the earth and it ever changing changes.   Man made Global Warming is not happening by Man as the Environmentalist want you to believe.  They are trying to control your individual lives and stop you from having choice and want you to think that Government is the answer to all your problems.  It has been happening for many years, the environmentalists trying to convince you that it is YOUR fault or the fault of your Fathers that has started this Global Warming.  It is the biggest Lie that Man Kind has taken and believed.

  5. Pizza Box out the window.  That is excellent for the environment.  

    Now before all you idiotic brainwashed environmentalist jump down on me.  A pizza box is made out of cardboard.  When it decomposes and besides stormchasing I do gardening.  Pizza Boxes actually make the best compost.  

    So it does not effect Global Warming it makes better top soil which is highly needed.  So littering does not contribute to Global Warming.  Even a plastic Pepsi bottle decomposes and every little bit of garbage from cans to plastic all help in making better top soil.  The only thing you should not throw on the ground is fuel.  Oil and/or Gas.


  7. The methane gas from the trash that is put in landfills is 26 times more harmful than carbon  dioxide to the ozone lair , but   that is trash that people find in your garbage can. If someone really nice were to pick out the box that your buddies threw out the window, and put it in the recycling bin, not the trash, then good! But if that person were to put it in the trash, and the box were to be put in a landfill, then that would be harming the ozone lair. Learn about recycling, and what to recycle, then teach your buddies what you have learned. Next time you and your friends have pizza, tell them to recycle the box. Then you can tell them that littering just pollutes our environment and that in some cases, it can contribute to global warming.

  8. It doesn't.  Look, believers turn global warming into their Devil.  It is intended to be responsible for everything bad that happens.  Believers usually are agnostic or atheist and so are still looking for a direction in life.

    Global warming gives them that direction, it tells them how to live and provides them with meaning.

    Global warming is a loony cult.

  9. the box has chemicals that affect the atmosphere
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