
GLOBALISATION,ur opinions?

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GLOBALISATION,ur opinions?




  1. A big word for a small country.

    It's good to be globalised as the world is becoming a global village with the advancement of telecommunications. However with globalisation, both desirable and undesirable effects maybe experienced by the country.

  2. It is inevitable, everyone just got to try to ride the wave.  Those who cannot, might need to be helped by those who can, though.  Of course this depends on the willingness of those to lend helping hands and for governments to initiate such efforts.

    But the rich-poor divide is going to get bigger

    Janny's Blog -

  3. is a very bad thing

  4. I think most people are by now much more "aware" that we all need to be "Better Stewards of the Earth", but like so much of what we grown ups do, - we say one thing and do another, we make a fairly straight-forward issue like environmental responsibility a political football.  We treat ecology like a new Physical Science that we have to learn.  The Democrats want to raises taxes to regulate it, and the Republicans want to hold the line on where we're at with it at this point, 'because it really is'nt that bad- if the d**n democrats are hollerin' about it.

    What to believe?  Al Gore is about he biggest liar I've run across since Nixon, so trying to believe him about anything just dosen't figure.  (By the way - did you'all hear about the comparrison of his house to George Bush Jr's?? - for  a tree-Hugger that was a real kick in the pants for Al Boy).

    Lets Look at a few things, (Many of which I do not know to be true or false.  I been told that One of Mt. Penatubo's, (Big ole' Mexocan Volcano) eruptions = put enought smoke and ash and posionous gas and evil c**p in the air, and put a big old hole in the ozone layer - that was far greater / caused more damage that all the COMBINED damage that man has done since he first farted on this planet up until this very moment - that includes the industrial age, atom bombs going off, our internal combustion engine, green house gases, texas chili, and Hiliray Clinton.  Yeap!  One little old Volcano burp, and whatever we though we done is like a f**t in a wind storm.

    Now that does not mean we don't or should not try.  Yes we should be pursuing wave, wind, sunlight, atomic, water, geothermal, and other renewable power sources.  We build cars that run on waste commercial kitchen fryer oil, and then we turn around and issue new complete telephone books and yellow pages every single year - they tell me thats a 10'-0" to 20'-0" layer on average in every dump yard across america - every year.

    We build recycleable toilets. and then package up my under-arm deodorant that is already in it's owm plastic dispensing case in a cardboard wrapper, which is then shrink wrapped..  It costs 4 times more to package, market, display, and deliver post toasties / rice Krispies / cherrios than it does to make the cereal..

    Congress gives subsidies to farmers NOT to GROW CROPS, they subsidize Tobacco growers, and then tax the h**l out of a pack of ciggarettes, and campage against tobacco use.  Mixed Message?

    THe Major Oil Companies all raised Gas Prices almost a $ 1.00 a gallon after the Hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast, (New Orleans),  Said it was the damage to the rigs and their infrastructure in the Gulf.  Then That year and the next 2 years running after that they report record $10 Billion + Profits, Yet they cry to the public that it takes so long to develope alternative fuel, hydrogen or hybrid cars because they are so expensive to develope & build.  Awwww, but hey fellas - whatta say how far do you think a 10th of  any one of the last years profits - set aside for R & D - say a BILLION DOLLARS would go towards soling that problem?- You can't do it for that?  Then Give $ 10 million - $25 million each to MIT, and some of out top Technical colleges and techincal Schools and let them have at it - some of those kids who race those cars in the streets on friday & sat nights - you have no idea what they can do with an engine, and those young men & women in the military - if given a chance. . . .

    Then comes that side I just hate about "Globalization", and that is the expectation that the USA will take the lead in any effort outside our borders with our checkbook and our young men & women, and our technology and equipment to solve or cleanup whatever mess or ecological disaster is found anywhere else in the world, - because one way or another either Hollywood, the liberal US Media, the UN, or some Environmental Crowd or another will find a way to blame it on the United States, and with the exception of very few allies, the rest of the world - including those we are feeding on a national scale to avoid mass starvation, those who we are defending against hostile neighbors who would slaughter them under the banner of ethnic cleansing, those who are in debt to us for millions & billions of dollars of trade deficiet, those who despise us for our freedoms and standard of living.

    Well I fought for what I thought was right in Viet Nam, and that turned out to be a joke - we were never supposed to "win" because there was never really a war - but that is a tale for another day. But it showed the same contempt for the US then - only at a much less level.  

    And Since then The USSR has Broken it's own back by trying to achieve what it wanted, and what we feared so much it would be ale to do, (careful what you wish for).  It tried to take overr the world - it almost did- but the weight of their conquered peoples in unrest crushed a corrupt nation, broke it beyond repair.  Then the US  looked to be started down that road too, first Afgahistan, Then the West Bank Settlements, Then Kuwait, Then Iraq

    Then in the midst of everything 9-11-02 - our thanks for our being a leader in "Globalization"?  So to make a very long list very short, I say no more.  Bring the troops home. Get us out of NATO, and send those back stabbers home Turn that into an office building.  Make good on all those parking tickets while you're at it.  While we're at it - we're out of NAFTA too.  

    Now on to the ilegal alien deal:

    1.  We build a proper barricade and man it properly, and set up more ports of entry for the purposes of controlled imigration - but no more day passes - you want in you get the paperwork firt - no documentation - no entry.  You get caught and your illegal you are in trouble.

    2.  Get Maricopa County Arizona Sherrif Joe Arrano to "design" a tent city correctional center, including chain gangs, and his whole set-up , and this is what awaits intercepted illegals crossing into the US - a one year incarceration in a work camp, "farmed out" to do road work, field work, maintainence on the border barrier.  They accrue pay at a rate of $ .10 per hour to by smokes, soap, - etc.

    3.  Illegal immigrants.  Good bye.  The law is the law.  You own property it will be sold for fair maket value - you get the proceeds.  (Don't ***** if you have'nt been paying taxes, we could forfiet the proceeds.  You're children born in this county are citizens and may stay. (Remember Mexico & Canada did not support us in Iraq.)

    4.  Basically we become America for Americans. Of course we maintain foriegn policy with those Allies who have supported us and been friends to us - England, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, and ????  We call the loans from those back stabbers who in truth are not our "Friends".  No more forgiving "Loans" to those turkeys either.  Gifts of Grain to those who spit on us and call us Devils - I don't thinks so.

    5.  Mediation in the Mid-East.  Forget it.  Isreal fight your own fights.  THERE WILL NEVER BE PEACE IN THE MIDEAST AS LONG AS THEIR IS ONE ISRAELI AND ONE MUSLIM STILL IN THE REGION.  The warring has always been about religion and always will be.  We stay out of it.

    6. Positive things to focus on?

    Focus more on the planet's oceans.  Stop over fishing & whaling.

    Stop rain forest deforrestation, put our money in helping subsidize these people, - now that we've dropped al the other ungrateful b^st^rds we used to pour endless loans and grain into.

    Make it a goal to be free of internal Combustion engines by 2033 - how about " OIL FREE BY '33"

    Develop and implement a Quality National Health Care Program

    Put an end to the National Welfare Entitlement lifestyle that is our National Shame.  if you are healthy enough to work - you work, got kids - they go to day care and you work. Unless you are paralized you work.

    Revamp our School system. Back to the 3 r's.  Mandatory school attendance through high school graduation.  Those who skip or cut or cause problems go to reform school or "boot Camp", and then automatically serve 4 years in the military right out of highschool.  Boiys and girls alike.  (The decision to carry Pregnancies to term or abort will be the parents call - but the girl will still be required to graduate, and then she will serve 4 years in the military.

    Limit State Income taxes to flat 3% if no sales tax of 3%, or vice-versa. Federal income tax will be uniform flat tax of 5% .  No Deductions.  SS deduction max $ 5,000.00

    No estate Taxes or "Death Tax".

    Property Taxes shall not exceed .025%

    Well that's some of my views on "Globalization" , which I think equates to "s***w Americaism" for the most part.  Good luck, I'm pulling for you.

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