
GLOBALIZATION: which are the positive and the negative aspects?

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GLOBALIZATION: which are the positive and the negative aspects?




  1. There are no positive aspects, just another layer of government.

  2. Globalization helps corporations take advantage of cheap labor. Drawback is they are bad for humans because the corporations only stay until they find a cheaper source of labor

  3. Lol, I did this abut a month ago


    -Productivity grows more quickly when countries produce goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. Living standards can go up faster.

    -Global competition and cheap imports keep a lid on prices, so inflation is less likely to derail economic growth.

    -An open economy spurs innovation with fresh ideas from abroad.

    -Export jobs often pay more than other jobs.

    -Consumers can buy cheaper products.


    -Millions of people have lost jobs due to imports or production shifts abroad. Most find new jobs, that pay less.

    -Millions of others fear losing their jobs, especially at those companies operating under competitive pressure.

    -Workers face pay-cut demands from employers, which often threaten to export jobs.

    -Service and white-collar jobs are increasingly vulnerable to operations moving offshore.

    - Employees can lose their comparative advantage when companies build advanced factories in low-wage countries, making them as productive as those at home

  4. well positive is the fact that someone in nigeria could answer this question

  5. Positives all for the wealthy

    Negatives all for the poor

  6. ho ho!! are u studying sociology? I did and I had to answer similar Qs a few yrs ago at uni! Good=more products

    BAD=slave/child labour/erosion of culture.....

    Two of the most emotive aspects of globalization!

  7. A couple of comments:

    Positive:  Opportunity for poorer countries to have access to a foreign monetary source which would not be available without globalization initiatives.

    Negative:  Reduced quality control resulting from differences in quantification of quality tenets between the countries which are exchanging resources.

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