
GM Food question (lol)?

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Many countries in Europe have insisted that processed food be clearly labelled. The aim is to enable consumers to make an informed decision whether they want to purchase and eat products containing Genetically Modified ingredients.

Do you agree with this message? Why or why not?




  1. All of you people so eager to slam corporate agriculture and GM foods should know who is going to pay this reform in higher food prices.  That is if you are fortunate enough to have the price.  The poor will pay with their hunger.  Look closely at who Greenpeace is hurting with their negative propaganda against  farmers and our products.

    One more thing, I'm not to up to date on this cyber lingo, but the GM food question, no matter which side you stand on, is not a laughing situation.  So I don't understand your lol on such a question.

  2. While I don't agree with the concept that GM foods are bad for you,  I do feel that the consumer has a right to make an informed decision on what they want to buy and eat.  The only problem with it that I see is they don't receive enough proper information to make a real informed decision.  Most of what we receive on information is propaganda from activists stating all the negative things that could possibly  happen as a result from GM foods.  An informed decision can be made when proper education is given on all aspects  of the GM question on foods.  When that is done, I would support the labeling 100%.  The questions need to be answered by scientists, not enviormentalsts groups like Green Peace,

  3. I believe that food should be labeled as to whether or not it is GM, hormone or antibiotics added, irradiated,  and country of origin labeled.

    Corporate agriculture doesn't want these things because they know it would hurt their sales or cost them money.  They claim that informing consumers would be misleading.  I believe that if their products are truly no different than natural processed or of USA origin, then they should be happy to educate consumers instead of withholding the truth.  

    Instead, agribusiness is pushing a smokescreen program for animal tracking called the National Animal ID System.  Why?  Because it will cost small farmers much more than them, and that will give them a bigger corner on the market.

  4. It has no sense.

    To impose that labelling you have to presume that consumers know the process of obtaining GMOs.

    And they don't.

    They just move by emotions, not objective knowledge.

    Doing that you are just making a favor to antiglobalism activists and Greenpeace freaks.

    It remembers me all the sunflower, canola, soybean, corn, grapeseed, oil cans that say "Cholesterol Free", when no vegetable organism has cholesterol at all.

  5. I live in Germany and the best thing about this law is that we know we are getting the REAL thing. h**l, we can't even buy Kraft Mac and Cheese because the Germans say the cheese is a modified food product and not acceptable to the presiding laws governing dairy product.

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