
GMA If mom works daughters get pregnant?

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Did anyone else just here that? how ridiculous. I know lots of stay at home moms with problem children.




  1. Bad apples are in every barrel.

  2. If daughter goes out and just has casual s*x (something virtually endorsed by libs and hollywood) then daughter gets pregnant.

    Someone should inform GMA.

  3. The problem is that kids watch television which depicts s*x as a normal activity with or without marriage.

    People are in many ways more influenced by TV and the media than by parents unless parents are extremely strict which is just as bad.

  4. Sounds like something a republican would say

  5. I think they were getting at if children had a stable home environment then teens are less likely to have s*x outside of marriage and get pregnant... Now I am not saying that this won't happen anyway, but it's a lesser chance of it happening... You can't even come close to knowing where/what your kid is doing if both of the parents are working... Now I am not saying that having a family with both working parents is bad, because in this day and age families wouldn't be able to survive very well with only one income..

    Our society is changing our kiddoes that is why even stay at home moms are having trouble... it's sad that kids are more disturbed these days because they don't see/know what a stable loving environment is... and that causes them to look for loving environments...

    I could go on about this but I won't.. :/  

  6. The difference is that they are not running for VP.

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