
GMO food should be banned?

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Why don't North America label all GMO food.

In parts of Europe ban GMO food.

In Britain they label it.

David Suzuki says

"If a scientist or politician thinks that GMO food is safe is very stupid or lying."




  1. They figure that if they label it you will not buy it. It is the same deal with irradiation.

    Another problem is that it has proved impossible to control or contain GMO in the food stream or even in the field. Farmers who never bought GMO seed have been charged for growing it without paying royalties, and GMO corn has appeared in some brands of supposedly organic cornflake breakfast cereals.

  2. I think GMO food should be labeled.  It's really tricky with being cautious with new things.  Supposedly the doctor who first recommended that surgeons wash their hands before surgery to avoid infections was called a crazy quack by other doctors for having such a weird idea.  I guess time will tell whether GMOs are harmful somehow.  I'd rather avoid them until scientists know for sure that they won't have some type of negative affect on me or the environment.

  3. We've become guinea pigs for government experimentations.

    Fight the power.

  4. You can find GMO food being grown or raised in ALL parts of europe. Labeled or not. Some european governments are just bigger bullsh!ters than others when it comes to alot of things. GMO's is one of them.

  5. GMO will not be labelled or banned until Monsanto is kicked out of the USDA and FDA. The bio-tech companies hold incredible sway over the government depts. that regulate such items. Monsanto is also very skillful at going into the state departments of agriculture and quietly changing laws to make things much more friendly for GMO's. In Ohio they were able to change the law so no city or county can ban the planting of GMO seed. No one (such as the governor, the statehouse congress or the AG's office) knew about this change until months later it was slipped into an omnibus bill  and passed without being read. earlier this year Monsanto tried to do the same thing with it's recombinant bovine growth hormone. they quietly spoke with the heads of the ODA about changing dairy labels so they could not say they were rbgh free. Fortunately for the people a lawyer who makes time to monitor what Monsanto is doing with Ohio Governor saw this happening from the start and a huge grassroots movement started and now it looks like what Monsanto thought to be an easy change in regulations may not happen at all.

    GMO's are said to be safe because of a lot of manipulated "science" on the part of the bio-tech corps. there are few to none truly independent studies that say GMO's are at all safe.

    despite the claims of the GMO shills, genetically modified organisms means that gene splicing was involved-that foreign genetics were inserted into the DNA of a cell. This has not been going on for thousands of years and it not the same as sexual breeding where you have to use plants that are the same species. Now we can mix organisms of different kingdoms. This is new and unproven science and really should stay in the lab for many more decades before being commercialised

  6. Lmao..America has a whole bunch of stuff that other countries have banned..

    I guess that's just how we roll.

  7. I don't know if it's safe or not, but they honestly SHOULD label it in a North America.

  8. First off, David Suzuki is promoting his own interests.  That's just like a politician telling you what a wonderful guy he is so you'll vote for him.

    Second, most of you folks don't know diddly squat about GMO's and world politics.  Yes, most of European countries ban GMO corn.  Why?  Because African countries ban GMO's and those African countries buy corn from Europe.  

    Countries like France don't really care about any real or supposed health threats of GMO crops, but instead care only for ensuring that their African corn market remains stable.  If it was found that a little bit of U.S. GMO feed corn somehow got mixed in with some European corn going to Africa, the Africans would most likely stop buying from that country.  

    That's the REAL reason most of the EU bans GMOs.  I bet if China told France they'd buy every last kernel of corn they could produce at twice what the Africans are paying and GMO corn would increase their production, the French would be suddenly be best buddies with Monsanto.

    As far as the mechanics of GMOs, true, gene splicing allows one to insert genetic material from one species to another.  Most food plants in the world have been manipulated to enhance certain traits, but by crossbreeding within the same species.  That's not to say species can't be crossed conventionally, just look at the mule, geep or liger.

    I certainly don't enjoy the idea of some Frankenstein type scientist developing a houseplant that will eat your cat when your cat tries to pee on it, but there are certainly potential benefits.  For example, scientists are working on splicing certain bell pepper heat and drought resistance genes into cucumbers.  This would allow cucumbers to be grown in arid areas but without as much or any irrigation water.  This would reduce groundwater and surface water depletion, reduce soil and river salinity levels and leave more water for humans to wash their SUVs.

    What if some scientist or company developed GMO intensely drought resistant grasses, shrubs, grain crops, vegtables and fruit trees that would make it possible to stop and reverse desertification in sub-sahara Africa?  And if those crops would make it possible for the people to feed their animals and themselves instead of either starving to death or begging the rest of the world for food?  

    Sound like a fantasy?  Not in the least.  Not if, but when that happens, I bet people will change their views on GMOs.

  9. I am not trying to be mean but everyone needs to get a clue all agriculture products are gmo for example even corn that does not have a restitance to a chemical all varities of corn grown are hybrids even in europe cattle are crossbred for genetics and yes even in europe even pure breed cattle like angus have been selectively breed for certain traits my point is that almost every product is a GMO like it or not even the products in europe that are labled non GMO

  10. ummmm its called a piece of paper people with 5 cents woth of ink on it so stop going all money saving **** b******s on us dont be cheap put the labels on p-lz

  11. David Suzuki believes in global warming caused by CO2. I informed his organization that a genetic bomb threat exists ...I was told that they don't worry about that. I don't think he should be taken seriously . The only thing he worries about is making money and news. Genetic bombs is gmo with the intent to kill a species ( especially human )

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