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what do i do to get them away??????!!! they watch me through my windows.......they wont go away and they don't speak English. They've stolen all my flamingos......HELLPPPPPPPPP




  1. call the lawn jockeys association they will take care of everything

  2. Save the bones for angry gnomes, cause gnomey don't eat no meat! They just want the flamingo feathers to make a boa for the drag gnome ball.    :o)

  3. Sorry  about  your flamingos.  I wondered where all my gnomes went, they are tricky little creatures and I just can't seem to keep them here at home.  I guess I better warn a friend of mine who has a whole flock of different sizes of flamingos and she'd probably be mad if the gnomes got her birds.  Please don't tell her?

  4. Call the faeries and brownies and they will chase away your gnomes!! Put out stones that are shiny and round and flat, a cookie will help also.

  5. LOL get a interperer or take up classes to learn there language there cute little guys so maybe you guys could become the best of friends

  6. Buy a garden gnome to scare them away. Or a cat. :P

  7. Buy your kids an airgun or catapult and exterminate them or they will breed like mad and start digging little wells and sit fishing all day while you are hard at work. They have even been known to build little windmills right in the middle of your Petunia Beds.  You definately need to take immediate action.

  8. Report them to Travelocity!

  9. It's to late to worry about your flamingos....sorry normally Gnomes look up to flamingos (HA) They dont actually look in windows their only interested in seeing  their reflection .Place a mirrow outside and that should keep them busy long enough for you to sneak up on em and bust em in the head with something! Good luck

  10. OMG!  I just saw a gnome  trying to toss a flamingo onto your bed ????  

    WTF?  There go three more running through your front door all carrying disposable flamingo diapers into the entry way!

    What does this mean?????

    Can you be saved from all the despair?  

    Call the plumber! - the gnomes are now going into your bathroom to dispose of the diapers - OH NO - FLUSHED toilet overflowing!


  11. Gnomes are members of Greenpeace.  Were you violating those flamingos?  Have you been parading around in Flamingo feathered garb and high heels lately? They are just seeing if you have any other flamingos captive in your home that need to be rescued.  Better give them what they want or they won't leave you alone.

  12. It is the 4th of july.Any good large firecracker should solve the problem.

  13. you can hypnotize them with one of those "gazing balls" then drown them in a bird bath or whack them with a sundial

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