
GOLDFISH PLEASE HELP!!!! its a matter of life and death...for my goldfish?

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ok so a week ago i got two goldfish. (one of them is a blackmoor). They keep making giant bubbles and going to the water surface. The tank is not over crowded, so i think that it might be lack of oxygen. If that is the case, how do i get oxygen in?





  1. Try to put your head in the tank and scream.

    Or buy one of those things that create bubbles in an aquarium

  2. do you have a filter?  if your tank is not overcrowded with the filter alone it is sufficient.   You can always add an airpump with an air stone

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper.

  3. How large is the tank? It needs a filter. If it has a filter, and the tank is actually indeed large enough for the both of them, then there should be enough circulation in the tank to add adequate oxygen  

  4. I am unsure about the bubbles. but more oxygen comes from and areator or new water.. i would reccomend having a gallon of ne water already at room temp ready to go in emegencys. Dont shock them.

  5. If you don;t have them in atleast a 30 gallon tank, then that is your first problem.

  6. What kind of filter do you have in that tank?  Goldfish need larger tanks and stronger filters than most people suspect (I hope you don't have anything smaller than a thirty gallon).  Filters work in different ways.  Waterfall filters, which suck the water up a tube, filter it, then drop it back down, disturb the surface of the water and help get a current going.  Waterfall filters and the current caused by them will oxygenate your water.  Here's what they look like:

    Now, if you already have a filter (and you MUST have a filter with goldfish), and that filter type doesn't agitate the surface of the water (I don't see why that wouldn't happen...) then you can also buy a bubbler to help oxygenate your water.  Bubblers use an air pump and an air stone, and make a stream of bubbles come up from the level of the gravel, rise through the water, make a current, and create flow in your aquarium to help mix the oxygenated water at the surface with the rest of your water.  But you don't need a bubbler if you have a proper filter.  What I'm guessing is that you don't have a filter, and that's why your goldfish are suffocating.  They're probably also in too small of an aquarium, which is another reason they're suffocating.  

    To help your goldfish, here's what you should do:

    1.  Buy a filter that agitates the surface of the water, thus mixing the oxygenated water at the surface with the not-oxygen-rich water in the depths

    2.  Get the two goldfish a tank that is at least 30 gallons large.  Goldfish grow to be really large, so if you want yours to survive to be full grown, you should give them enough space to live long enough.  

    3.  Next time you get fish, cycle your tank first.  Your poor fish are probably ammonia poisoned.  Here is a webpage on how to cycle an aquarium:

    Good luck and I hope your fish survive.  Please follow my suggestions as soon as possible.  

  7. try getting a smaller bowl and if is doesn't work ask your vet. (clean the tank)

  8. your two fish need a20- 30gal tank

    what you can do is :

    1. get an appropriate sized fish tank if you dont already have one

    2. add air stones and filter if you dont already have one.

    brigie, getting a smaller bowl will make things worse, about 1000 times worse.

  9. a filter and plants will be suitable

    go to your local aquarium and they will help you choose an appropriate filter for your tank size as well as a nice plant

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