
GOOD Guinea pig books??

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There is not a guinea pig book that I have seen that DOESN'T say the best guinea pig book ever. Clearly, they are lairs. I am looking for a book that contains every detail in owning a guinea pig. I know enough to get me through the day, (as so to speak) but not enough to but one. I want to be extremely knowledgeable, even if the book is 999,999,999,999,999 pages. I am looking for a book that covers every detail in owning a piggy. Please keep it to things found in a bookstore or library. I don't like to order things online. Suggestions are EXTREMELY appreciated as while a books I should not read because the offer little info, ect.

Thanks in advance,





  1. Most books are out of date and inaccurate, filled with conflicting info.

    There best source of care info are these sites:  

  2. You're right, most of them are terrible. This one is good though!

  3. your obviously a big fan of guinea pigs there isnt any best book there al the same more or less the internet is the best place for info in my opinion

  4. darksong and Justified have given you fantastic links.  Really, I've never come across a guinea pig book that had decent information.  Most recommend inappropriate diets, cages and health tips.  This is one case where online sources are your best bet.  These sites are comprised of information from a huge number of experienced and caring guinea pig owners.

  5. I'm not really sure, but to tell u i have seen many entitled "The Best Piggie Book" so i am really looking 4 one too. I'll report back when i find one

  6. Sandy,

    You needn't buy a book or even go to the library! If you read through the following three sites, you will be THOROUGHLY informed with regard to the proper care, diet, and housing of guinea pigs. And its not even close to be a Trillion pages!

    These sites are the most comprehensive compilation of *correct* information I have found. Every detail you would ever want to know is contained therein.

    Good for you for wanting to be a knowledgeable pet owner!!

  7. that's funny, I'm actually writing one!!!

    Check out my site here:

    It has info, but isn't complete, as it is new.

    If you have any questions please email me at betafish15 (

  8. When I started breeding guinea pigs the only 2 books I ever used for reference were:

    Your Guinea Pig : A Kid's Guide to Raising and Showing (Paperback)

    *Even though it says its for kids, it has some really helpful information about treating your guinea pig if it ever gets sick*

    BUT this book by far was the best and my favorite:

    The Guinea Pig Handbook (Barron's Pet Handbooks) (Paperback)

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