
GOOGLE CHROME (browser) what do u think?

by  |  earlier

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So I just began using the new GOOGLE CHROME browser and like omg Im so amazed at the speed and overall awesomeness! Which coming from google does not suprise me.

I love how if a webpage crashes THAT tab is the only thing that crashes and not ur whole browser.


what do u think of it?





    My friend has it and wow it really is amazing. haha.

  2. Yeah heard about it a lot lately. I am going to install it today. Not sure if it would beat Firefox in the long run though. The only new feature I'm aware of is that it creates different threads for different tabs.

    Albeit, I am now waiting to see a Linux distro from Google.

  3. Looks promising, however it is unlikely to rival Mozilla with Firefox as they are the leaders in the field, afterall where do you think tabbed browsing originated. It certainly wasn't Internet Explorer.


  4. Just Dled it, pretty impressive so far!

  5. This question is being asked a lot lately.  Google Chrome is definitely awesome, but I would expect no less from Google.  It still has a ways to go to compete with Firefox since it has no add ons or anything like that but it is still in Beta and less than a day old.  It does have some ground breaking features like the one you mentioned (only one tab crashes).  The same feature that makes it so only one tab will crash is also a major player in the speed of Chrome.

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