
GOP platform backs off pet issues to help McCain - YOU?

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What part of your integrity and moral certitude would you flush to gain power? Or would you? Does your Worldview include relinquishing your personal values for the good of the group?




  1. You only relinquish those values that tie you to a group. Your core values you retain. I would never give up my core values to obtain power.

  2. me the money and i'll follow you too...

  3. Irregardless of wether Barack or McCain gets in this election...we as citizens must demand Accountability from Washington.

    1) Almost overnight the present Administration has turned the office of President of the United States to: King of the United States.

    2) We may blame Florida and a host of other reasons for this..but the issue isn't about a Repuplican getting into office... its that non-republicans and republicans alike choose to complain more then take action and demand accountability from anyone who chooses to become a subtle-dictator for any cause terrorism, taxes, security, whatever....

    3) The founding father's of this nation designed checks and balances within it's structure and system to prevent exactly the above from happening.... and each election year us citizens continue to complain at the water-cooler rather then demanding our senators and representatives do something in Washington DC, each time we choose to do so the Constitution is going to become more and more like Mein Kampf if not worse.... we all know what the constitution is supposed to say.... but it's exact anti-principles are being enforced and implemented in ways that Franklin, Jefferson, and the whole lot are rolling in their graves over...

    4) To passively cooperate with an 'evil' system is to actively participate in its 'Evil' -Martin Luther King JR-

    5) But folks labels such as 'Republican', 'Democrat', 'Liberal', 'Conservative', among others gives you the same amount of integrity as walking into Burger King makes you a Hamburger..

    6) After McCain or Obama gets to the white house, depending on the labels we submit and worship... will we breathe a sigh of complacency and relief... or cuss and dam the political process for what fate has brought us... either way it's too late... but either way its never to late to demand Accountability From Washington.

  4. i would flush non e of my integrity or moral certitude to gain power.

    no, my worldview does not include me relinquishing my personal values for the good of the group. i try have my personal values BE for the good of the group.

    in other words, vote for Obama.

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