
GOP tells Ron Paul get lost do they not care about his voters?

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Ron Paul was told he was not invited to the convention next week. I guess Ron Paul supporters should write him in and show the GOP they should be heard.




  1. The guy turns down the Libertarian nomination out of loyalty to the Republicans and this is how they return that loyalty?  Sad.

  2. In my state he'd have to file a one page form to have my vote counted.  I hope he does.

    We will probably know more after Tuesday, and his speech at the Rally for the Republic.

  3. I thin it could cause problems.

    The democrats were able to come together because Bill and Hillary were given such big roles in the convention, you'd think the Republicans would see that and learn a thing or two.

  4. It goes to show the GOP doesn't care about conservative values anymore. Ron Paul was the ONLY conservative that ran this year.  

  5. How ironic. The "conservatives" told the candidate with the most conservative voting record to get lost.



  6. Doesn't that remind you of like when the Country Music Awards told Johnny Cash to get lost, we don't want you here?

    Those cowboys don't know what's a good thing

  7. All 200 of them? Please post the link to this statement.

  8. He does not have a lot of supporters. He will be a distraction of the real nominated canidate.

  9. I think those seven or eight voters won't matter too much.

  10. Reckon that might be because he is having his own shadow convention. If he was a true party loyalist, he would have been invited. You don't throw yourself a party to take attention away from the real deal and then expect to get invited.

  11. Sorry but Ron broke the first cardinal sin of Party politics. When it was obvious that he would not win the nomination he should have implored his voters to back McCain. since he is not playing party politics then hes not invited to the party

  12. source?  he has so few delegates it doesn't matter

    stop crying about how Paul has been bullied. He didn't win and he will never win. Paul may have some good ideas but they will never become law and people don't support fringe characters like him

  13. d**n i feel bad for ron paul, hes a member of congress and not invited, why should ron paul supporters vote for the gop when they slap paul like this. I am a Obama supporter and we both a pretty much the same type of supporters young, and internet savy.

  14. Since he is still campaigning and wants his own convention, why would pick someone running against you to speak at your convention? LOL! That doesn't make a l**k of sense. Why don't Paul and his supporters get on board the Rep train and then he would be invited.  

  15. If you only knew the real story and just how many millions of people have written on every injustice that the GOP did to Ron Paul and they still ignore him. The GOP and the democrats are the same beast and ROn Paul doesnt fit into thier agenda he wants to stop the war on terror , he wants to rid us of the federal reserve, he wants the people to have a country not ruled by a police state, he talks about our civil rights all the time. No one else addresses these very important issues and how they are destroying the country.

    Lets look at this for a second

    Ron Paul has

    Earned more in donations in one day from everyday citizens than anyone in the history of the US.

    Won almost every straw poll prior to the primaries.

    Never voted for an unbalanced bugdet

    Brought to light the corruption of the federal reserve and how it needs to be abolished. (the fed is soley responsible for the economic mess we are in today)

    Won every poll on every debate.

    America losses without him and the corrupt system of this empire wins again. Its not the peoples concerns they care about. It is their agenda to have a one world government.

  16. Most will probably be at his Shadow Convention next week.

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