
GORGEOUS GIRLS: How would you want a guy to approach you?

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GORGEOUS GIRLS: How would you want a guy to approach you?




  1. give a compliment and walk away... itll make the girl think that you just want to give her a compliment and looking for nothing else and will make her interested about who you are...

  2. with a nice smile on his face.

    nervousness is ok!

    can you help me?;...

  3. Just walk up and start a nice casual conversation. Liike the other girl said, no cheesy pick up lines!

  4. if there snobs then ask them somthing and pretent that your not interested and then walk away, since there used to everyone liking them when you do care it makes them want you, if there not snobs then just approch them like any other girl

  5. With a shotgun.

  6. original, you hear so many lines. It gets old and annoying!  

  7. how's a girl gonna know she's gorgeous?

  8. i want a guy to approach me like he is confident  

  9. With our balls hanging out

  10. I like it when guys just walk up to me. But not when they plan on acting like an a*****e. If a guy walks up and is nice to me then i'm all for it.

  11. I would love for a guy to approach me with a warm smile, great eye contact and a sweet introduction...

  12. With the cutest smile. :]

  13. No pickup lines, just confidently tell me hi and start a conversation. Its always nice when he smiles, and smells good too.

  14. I'd want him to be himself.

  15. slowly...shy..because im shy..and if someone comes up to be all loud and fast ..and in my face im just going to get over whelmed and wanna leave the situation as fast as possible.

  16. be honest, sweet, and not cocky. give a believable complement instead of something inappropriate.

  17. walking on his hands

  18. "Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day!"

    i love that line, it's so flattering  

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