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First let me give you some background information on my music teacher. My music teacher acts extreamly femine and he is a male. He always calls these 3 boys out of class to do some "work" but all they do is play on his computer and they talk to each other' The music teacher is always cursing and swearing but he never does this in front of other staff only us students . Along time ago he cause me a jack as* the whole class heared him say it. I told my mom what he said and he made up some excuse saying he didnt say that he said " do you have gas" He constatly picks on me and other students thier is this african student in our class. He is from some country that has a civial war going on right now. He just moved to america for six months they guy never says a word in class im mean seriously. BUt he stinks like crazy and the teacher always tells him to wear deadorant and take a shower. I mean how rude can you get it puts him out in front of the whole class he could atleas

9 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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4 minutes ago

asside. BUt he didnt.

Well yesterday in school someone punched my friend in the back of his head for no apparent reason. I saw who it was and the teacher asked who it was and i said his name lets just say his name is abc. Abc is one of the chorur students and he shows favortism to the chorus students. And my friend who got hit left chorur . Now abc said he didnt hit him on the head and that it was a person siting next to him named cba. So we all had to leave the room and the music teacher asked who hit him in the back of his head. ( my friend who was still in the room told me this) Everyone replied abc but the teacher said that dosent sound like somthing he would do it was probally cba and he said that im lieing. He brought me back in the room started asking me questions and he confused the h**l outta me. Meanwhile cba and abc are swearing on thier lives and on thier souls and on god that it wasent them. When i clearly saw abc do it . Now me cba and my friend who go hit

0 seconds ago

according to the music teacher who is in charge of our peformences at graudation. Says that we cant peform and we have to have a parent teacher conforence. I told my my the story of what happend and she didnt like the music teacher either due to previous experiences. The friend who got hit asked why is he in trouble he didnt do anything he just got hit in the back of his head. Well basically cba HAS GOTTEN IN NO TROUBLE AT ALL EVEN THOUGH HE PUNCHES MY FRIEND IN THE BACK OF HIS HEAD I CLEARLY SAW IT but only me cba and my friend who got hit are given out punishements. I dont see what im in trouble for the teacher asked who got hit and i told him.




  1. Tell your headteacher and get him fired, if that doesn't work and if nobody else likes him apart from the choir get a petition to show your hate towards him. If that doesn't work then superglue his chair etcetc...

  2. hate to break this to you but life isn't always fair. as long as this teacher isn't molesting anyone or physically abusive, he can't possibly be impartial when something goes wrong in class. he has to make a decision because he didn't observe what happened himself. go ahead and fight it, if you feel you've been wronged. but i wouldn't get your parents involved. they weren't there - fight your own battles (on this one) it will be good practice for life.

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