
GPA conversion.... from percent?

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what does 87-88% convert to on the 4.0 scale? THX




  1. You can't directly convert it.  For example, a 96% would be a 4.0 if you had all A's - but if you had any grade below an A, you could still get a 96% but not a 4.0.  You have to go back, turn each grade percentage into a letter grade on your schools system, change that to the 4.0 scale, multiply by the number of credits the class was worth, add them all up, then divide by the total number of credits.

    I'm sure someone will say you can just multiply 0.87 by 4.0. but that doesn't work either - 0.50*4.0 = 2.0, but that's a C average and 50% is failing.

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