
GPA on a 4.0 scale??

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my school doesn't do the normal four point scale for GPAs but does a high school semesters average out of a 100 scale meaning the average of all my core class numerically.

i will be entering the 12th grade this upcoming year so i was wondering wat my GPA on a 4.0 scale would be near. my average so far is a 90.4545. i've only had one 79 one semester only and a few B's here and there but not many.

on guess wat would my GPA be on a 4.0 scale??

p.s.-does going to a private school help?? or look better??




  1. 3.2 is a B+ average (90 - 92)

    a 3.5 is an A average (93-96)

    and a 4.0 is A+ (100)

  2. A 2.0 gpa is equivalent to a "C", which is the standard gpa needed for graduation.  A 3.0 gpa is equivalent to a "B".  A 3.7 and up is equivalent to an "A".  I would say that you are right at a 3.7 or possibly a little higher.  But remember, honors and AP classes are weighted, so if you take those classes, it's an advantage and colleges are looking for students that takes rigorous classes.  Good luck with everything and keep up the good work!

  3. I would be about a 3.9. That is what mine was and had a 91 average on a 100 scale. But I took alot of advance and AP course. It depends on whether the class are advance, AP, or regular. So that is just a guess.
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