
GPA question,please help me

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is it possible to have 5.8 GPA in FL.

a girl just told me

I though she was lying

was she?

plz help me..




  1. some schools use weighted scales to take advanced, honors, and AP classes into consideration. If your school uses a 4.0 scale (and by 4.0 I mean unweighted), then no, you can only get a 4.0, regardless of the classes you take. sooo, on an unweighted scale, she could not have gotten a 5.8... however, If her school uses a 6.0 scale, that would be possible.

  2. If her school weights AP classes and honors classes more than other schools (like adding a full 2 points to her score) then yes, it's possible.  But colleges ask for your GPA on a 4.0 scale, which means unweighted.  So she won't have more than a 4.0 on that scale.

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