
GPS/NAV? What is the shortcut for switching between them in FSX?

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Is there a short cut to change from NAV-GPS mode and vice versa in FSX? Are the DC-3 and older planes in FSX able to fly in GPS mode and how?

NB: Please don't tell me to ask in the games category because I know most of them won't know a thing I am asking. Thanks




  1. Its not programmed you would have to enter your own keys..its under options..then controls...then keys or something...then scoll down until you hit GPS/NAV toggle and then program your own keys.

  2. There is probably a keyboard shortcut, but I do not know what it is. Most panels will have a switch to change from NAV to GPS modes, then you use the Nav Hold mode on the autopilot panel. Sometimes it takes a little looking to find the switch, though. You can browse through the keyboard commands to see if a shortcut is already assigned, and if one isn't, create one yourself.

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