
GPS-cig lighter charger broken...can i still get one?

by  |  earlier

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I really want a GPS but unfortunatly the charger in my car doesnt work. (It never did). I even brought the car in when it was under warrantee and they "fixed" it and it still doesnt work. I dont have the warrantee on the car anymore but still want the gps. Is there a way you can charge the gps inside a house in like a wall socket? Would this be feasible or would the battery not last long enough?




  1. Which make and model GPS receiver do you have?  Some of them use a mini-USB connector for data transfer and charging.  The Garmin nuvi series does.  If yours has this kind of connector, you can charge it by using a  mini-USB cable and connecting it to your computer.  You can charge while your computer is on.  You can also buy a USB-to-AC adapter to charge.  These are often sold for MP3 players.  You connect the USB cable to the adapter, then plug the adapter into the wall.

  2. depending on the make and model, your GPS may come with an AC adapter which would allow you to charge it in the house, like my garmin nuvi 360 did.   if not, you can almost assuredly buy one aftermarket.  ebay would be the first place i'd look.  i suggest when shopping for your unit you pay particular attention to the battery life.  you don't want your unit to die on you in the last half hour of your trip, particularly since that's when you'll really be needing it most.  to be honest though, you'd be much better off trying to get that cig lighter fixed again.  best of luck.

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