
GPS error - our street is actually a cul-de-sac - who do I tell?

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Our street is a cul-de-sac. Although another road carries on afterwards, there has been a barrier stopping traffic at the end of the street for at least the 8 years we have lived in the street. We get, several times a week, lorries, vans, cars etc coming into our street expecting to find a way through to the other street as the GPS says they can!

Is there a central contact or contacts to advise of GPS corrections? Last year a lorry reversing after discovering that their GPS was wrong crashed into my car!

thanks in advance





  1. All the GPS makers get maps from various sources,  but contacting each of them would still be the best bet.    They can contact the map maker to get this corrected.     Most common brands are Garmin,  Tom Tom,  DeLorme,   and Magellan.  

    Meanwhile,  perhaps posting a big sign at the end of the cul-de-sac may divert some.    A big problem is the blind reliance so many  have in our culture on electronic devices instead of their brains.     Also,  any driver that causes damage backing or turning around is responsible for that damage,   not the GPS maker.

  2. You have to contact the manufacturers of each system that directs traffic down your road, smart nav, nav man etc.

  3. It would most likely require users to purchase updated maps (for Garmin, the most recent maps are about $140). Newer units may already have your street corrected.

  4. Call the manufacturer and report this or you can use their website to submit the correction that is needed......

  5. This is an extremely common problem that it looks like it's going to take years to get right.  New housing districts, cul-de-sacs, closed roads. happen all the time. Try driving a lorry for a living & trying to find some place in the dark. You can expect the navigation system to give you wrong directions & you are trying to turn around at night in a rainstorm at a dead end street.

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