
GR-DA30U Digital Video camera USB?

by Guest62838  |  earlier

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Ok, I need to find a USB cord for my Video Camera. Does anyone know where i can get one? I need a "DV" cord for my video camera. Dont say FireWire because i dont want to buy it.




  1. OK... I won't use the "F" word... but you still need a IEEE1394a or i.Link cable to connect the DV port of the camcorder to your computer's "F" port. USB won't work. USB to "F" converter won't work either.

    So if you don't want to install that "F" port on your computer, then you won't be transferring digital video from the miniDV tape based camcorder.

    By the way, here is a link to you camcorder's manual:

    Please refer to Page 30.

    All that nonsense about "DV"? That is "F", i.Link and IEEE1394a - they are all the same thing. That's why there is NO reference to USB.

    Then refer to page 36. Specifically, the section "For Connectors". See the reference to DV? IEEE1394 compliant. USB is not IEEE1494 compliant.

    And for your further reading pleasure:

  2. Sorry, you have to have firewire "oops" to download minidv camcorders.

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