
GR! I'm so frustrated with my sisters fiancé!?

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This summer I really wanted to get in shape, so I started running. Every night when I came in my sisters fiancé, Justin, always said power walking is better, it raises your matabalisiom for a longer time and lowers it slower, while as running raises it for a short time and it drops fast. He said running is also bad on your knees and heart. I told him that I didn't care I already started running and I think it gives you more endurance. He said power walking does just the same and more. I told him running makes me feel better and gives me self saticfacsion that power walking wouldn't. He just kept on, but I just ignored, until last night when he sent me over the edge. Because my sister came home and both of them ganged up on me. I don't even see why they care about what I do. And my sister used to love runnning and was very good at it. She used to run with me. Now it seems she agrees with everything Justin says.

So really is running so bad?




  1. WOW...I don't really think this is about running.

    If you like running then RUN. Running has been around for awhile and I'm sure it's better for you than not running. For the sake of argument, let's say Power walking is better than running for some of the reasons your Sisters Fiance' gives. I am sure that Power walking is not the absolute best form of exercise there is for every person in every situation. There might be some benefits to running over power walking.

    Green beans are a great food, but they are not the only great food. Broccoli is pretty good. I say broccoli is much better than peas, but I hate peas. My dad loves peas and hates broccoli. If you don't like peas, and like broccoli, eat broccoli! Or, are green beans the only way to go? God knows you can only eat Green beans or peas or broccoli and only one of them is the best. Green bell peppers are good too. My dad really only likes peas.  I like Green Beans, Broccoli and Green Peppers.

    I don't think this is about power walking as much as it is about POWER. Is he a republican?

    Don't even give him the satisfaction of arguing. Just tell him when your knees give out or your heart stops, you'll try power walking. Does he eat peas? Peas suck.

  2. OMGSH NO!!!! running is wat you need to do to stay in shape. her fiance needs to shut up, he dsnt kno wat the heck he is talking about. running is actually verrry good for your heart. he can jst get over himself. he should drop it eventually tho. if not tho i would jst say tht u will incorporate power walking in with ur running. tht should make him happy :) best of luck and keep on running

  3. running is only bad for your heart if you are out of shape or really old.

    running makes me feel amazing!

    It's the closest i'll ever get to physically flying!

    sometimes on a cool summer night, i'll go outside bare foot and do some sprints as fast as i could! It feels almost like a drug. ill sprint until i reach my maximum speed and try to stay at the max... then i'll take a break. and then again.. doesn't it get addicting? at least it's a healthy addiction.

    that's how running makes me feel. power walking would never get me that same feeling of ectasy.

    plus power walking makes you look like one those dorky middle aged women

  4. I think this is one's opinion vs. other's. It simply just show he can not run for long, so he has to use power walking. Think about it: If you run the same amount of time as power walking, why one or the other raise matabalism longer?

    Sure, PW lowers it slower, because it was not high enough to begin with, but it will take longer to lower the matablism to the same level for running.

    Also, running will help build bone density and muscle strength, which power walking will never be able to match.

    Still, to date, I do not understand the term "power walking" - it is just walking faster than your regular walking pace, which is something in between walking and slow jogging. So, why not step up and jog, or even better, run?

  5. Just agree with them and tell them they are right just to stop them from bugging you. But when your out there by yourself just run and run and enjoy the feeling of running. Nothing can replace the pleasure of running. Walking is OK and that is if you can't run anymore.

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