
GRE retake advice needed.?

by  |  earlier

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So I took the GRE last week after self-preparing for about a month. I got a 720 on the quantitative and a 440 on the verbal. I think I just choked on the verbal and feel that I could do a bit better; probably closer to a 500. This score is good enough for my master's program but I really would like to go for my PhD one day and generally a total score of 1200 is desired. My question is; should I take a Kaplan classroom course or just try and do it solo with some GRE prep books etc.?




  1. I was nominated for a Fellowship once and a prerquisite was to take the GRE. I hated it then;and even though I had made the Dean's List, with a 3.54. my score was not much higher than your own. The GRE is intensive; and I did not pursue the Fellowship.I would recommend taking a course if you can afford it because the person who teaches the course knows what is expected and how to achieve the goal. Some people challenge themselves to work alone; and they do well. However, if you have an inquiring mind and like to ask questions; or if you have weak areas that require extra help, go to a Kaplan class and decide that you will learn more than what is needed to pass an exam. Then do it!

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