
GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK-What Are you doing to reduce consumption in terms of clothing?

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GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK-What Are you doing to reduce consumption in terms of clothing?




  1. I have been shopping second hand for years.  I do sew my self and try to use every last scrape of fabric I can.  I also use natural fabrics so I can compost shredded left overs.  

    I thought Brown was the new Black?  Hahaha

  2. It's too cold here for me to reduce my clothing consumption.  I need everything to stay warm.

  3. organic cotton (it's actually at walmart, who would have thought..)

    reuse old clothes (send them to salvation army etc when you're done with them, hand-me-downs)

    make my own

    buy only what i plan on wearing

  4. I reduce my consumption by making my clothes last longer.  I don't use laundry detergent but a machine called a Laundrypure to keep my clothes lasting longer and cleaner.

    See it under water products:

  5. I don't buy new clothes until my old ones fall apart.

    The obsession with shopping is seriously bad news for the planet and, like other bad habits, very unsatisfying.  Compulsive shoppers gain only very brief pleasure from shopping and could have far more fun living a simple life rather than trying to keep up with their neighbours.

    Reduce, re-use, recycle.

  6. i am a nudist. guess what i do.

  7. We are able to buy clothes where we want but we have chosen to look at thrift stores and consignment shops for clothes.  You can get barely used name brands and they look great if you are careful.  Recycled Clothing is what we call it.

  8. ye green is the new black cause now people realize that the world is going the wrong way with this global warming thing. so if where green heat will be less likely to be attracted to them, wen wearing black heat is more attracted making u hotter. (Global changes the climate to hot weather)

  9. I very rarely buy any clothes, and when do, I go to second-hand shop to find them. One can find very interesting (stylish) and extremely cheap stuff there. I try to mend my cloth myself or sometimes my mom helps me to sew something together. I often exchange my clothes with friends who are of the same size as me. I give my old clothes to people who are extremely poor or homeless. I think the only new clothes I buy are socks and underwear. :-)

  10. i'm a top contributer to the green movement...i dont wear clothes and i dont consume gree grass...

  11. I buy hemp when ever I can. Original Levis were made of hemp, they started making them out of cotton because they took too long to wear out!

    ***Planned Obsolesence***   not a very green concept, but makes lots of money, yeah?

    Polar Fleece is made from recycled plastic bottles, it works great and last a long time.

  12. in the muslim tradition, the prophet mohammad (peace be upon him ) said,"old clothes is part of the faith" (meaning, we don't need to buy new clothings when others are still durable.

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