
GTA: teen killed someone to recreate a scene from the game.. should we ban it?

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What are your thoughts on this? Should the game be banned? should there be heavy penalties for selling these games to minors? or do you still think it's a harmless game?

..or is there another solution you can think of?




  1. Ban that teenager - send them for reprogramming.  Seriously, I have been playing shoot-em-up games since my teens (from Wolfenstein to Half-Life 2), I am now in my late 30s.  I do not have the slightest inclination to hurt anyone at all.

  2. No the game should not be banned, no there should not be penalties for entertainment.  Yes it is a harmless game.  I promise you this moron would of killed people for some other reason.  Blame the individual for the problem and stop blaming entertainment.  Murder existed before video games.

    This is about free speech.

  3. I think video games should be rated the same way a film would.  I don't think it's fair that game manufacturers can complain that the game has been rated too high just because it cuts off a lot of their market or else film makers could say the same.  I do think there should be a penalty for selling to minors and parents need to take responsibility for what games they let their children play.

    Saying that, this teen was 18 and therefore able to buy any games available.  I don't think it would be fair to ban these games.  My husband plays GTA and he is the most gentle soul I know.  He would never think of comitting violence because he is able to differentiate between real life and animation.  

    This boy was obviously troubled previous to playing this game, and knows that if he blames the game he may get off.  He is facing the death penalty after all and I'm sure he'll try any defence.

  4. We should ban stupid kids, and parents who say the game made their kid do something stupid like that.

  5. If we do ban games and films that depict this, there will still be murders and attacks in the world, but the people who commit the crimes will not be able to blame something that didn't really influence them much.

    I play the most violent games and watch the goriest films, but I don't step outside and decide to rape or murder. It's only the mentally unhinged people that even consider this. They're already not right in the head when they play these games or watch these films.

    Besides, if they were banned, people would still buy/copy these forms of media off of the internet. I myself would have probably bought GTA 4 from America if it was banned in the UK.

  6. A percentage of people are always going to do dumb stuff.  The majority of people who play the game don't do things like this.  If it wasn't GTA, he might've been inspired by a rerun of Magnum PI.  Don't blame a game.  He's old enough to know right from wrong.  Hold him responsible for his own actions.

    (although I do agree the game shouldn't be sold to minors)

  7. Games dont cause the crime, they're inanimate objects, the person that commits the crime should be held fully responsible, anybody that copies violent scenes is obviously very violent and disturbed, and that is the dangerous thing. The solution is, just keeping an eye out on your kids, if their behaving oddly, which he must have been, it needs checking out, but he was 18, an adult, so it was his responsibility to get checked, not the parents

  8. I play this game and my son has his version on the ps, (he's 7)

    most of his peers do also. If a child is being nurtured properly and nows right from wrong this is no different from them playing war games and 'killing' their friends.

  9. i think video games are way out of control...but as long as people buy them...then people will make them...just  putting a rating on the video games dont stop kids from buying them..besides where are the parents here...

  10. should have got a wii

  11. clearly that teen said that to try and get off the charge...these games do not cause crime...he would have done that or something like it sooner or later, with or without that game, or a film..there is something wrong with these peoples judgement...dont let the odd few weirdos spoil it for us...I enjoy GTA, Battlefield, Warhawk etc..they are just games..if you arent old enough...or cant distinguish reality from fantasy...go read a book instead...oh wait...maybe we should ban them too?....

  12. You cant ban a game because it what makes some people act out scenes. Some video game actually do good, ie Leisure suit larry, lol, go our s*x lives back. was sins lmfao

  13. if it's the game's fault then why aren't all of the players out killing people??

    I say blame the person who killed another human being, put them in jail for the rest of their lives, they should meet the victim's family to see real damage they have caused!!

    Stupid idiot!!!

  14. so if games influence people then shuldnt we be runnin around listening to electro music and takin pills coz thts wat pacman duz!  no the games dont influence people or brainwash them, these people are idiots anyway, any1 in their right mind to kill sum1 to recreate a scene is not right in the head. i play grand theft auto all the time n i havent even wanted to kill sum1. y kill sum1 in real life wen u can do it in the game..duh thts wat its there for. really it shuld be relief for maniacs because they get to live out their insane thots and live a virtual reality dream! lol anyways the point im makin is no we shuldnt ban games because its just a GAME!

  15. No just throw him in a pit.

  16. The game or any game is not the problem. A damaged being will find a way to express that damage, regardless of influences. Perhaps we should look a little deeper and ask. What is it about our society and culture that produces so many damaged beings?

  17. Yes you are right and will we are at it lets ban everything that might be linked to a murder.  In fact I am thinking of lobbying my local MP to get my stairs banned from outside my flat, I mean people have been murdered being pushed down stairs. You cant murder someone pushing them over on flat ground after all.

    How about the parents of these little psychopaths actually raising them so that they know that killing people is wrong?

  18. As a parent who teaches her children better that to go robbing and murdering taxi drivers, and blame it on a video game I say No it should not be banned.

    EDIT:  My 15 year old plays it.

    I also teach my children the difference between fantasy and reality.

    And that there are consequences for such unacceptable behavior.

    As another answer stated, That teen probably would have done such a thing anyway. The real reason behind his actions should be found. They need to look further than the video games he plays, and look at how he was raised.

    EDIT #2: In USA there will soon be stiff fines for retailers who sell games rated for 17 and older, to kids under 17.

    I don't know if the age will be raised to 18

  19. People cause harm....To blame tools is a cop out.

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